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What would you name a race horse?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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horse, horse racing

Race horses for some reason get given rather unusual names. If you had a race horse, what would you call it?

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Charlie Brown...I think that is a very cute name! LOL
I think I would call mine 'Runs on Hay Power', or 'Haypow' for short.
I reckon that would be an original ^_^
by Rice
''On Ya Tail''
That's a good one.
I love it too!
by Rice
I would probably name mine 'horse racing industry will turn me into dog food if I don't win this race'.
I would't name it anything cos I don't believe in torturing horses ( animals) for our greed & profit.People show phoney love & affection when they win but when they lose or if the animal is hurt then they just put them down & that's it.
Shane, I believe your knowledge of anatomy of racehorses, or horses' in general, is limited.
When a racehorse is hurt, beyond healing, yes, it's euthanased. This is to stop pain & suffering of the horse. It's NOT a 'whimsical decision' like you make it sound.
There's usually two EQUINE Vets consulted, BEFORE that decision is reached.
I wouldn't wish on anybody to see the suffering of an injured horse. It's absolutely horrendous. Been there, done that, several times. It's my love for these totally majestic animals' that keeps me going!
by donjo
Race horses' names have a STRICT protocol to follow, so that's why their names seem funny to the uninitiated!

Their Sire & Dam names are taken into consideration firstly, then their Pedigree names, down 'the line' after that.

If you bought a former racehorse, you could name it 'Hayseed' if you wanted.

Most Police Horses are 'retired' race horses' who've been retrained to carry out specific roles as required by Police. Some of them are no good at it, so they go elsewhere.
I'd have to call my racehorse, Tulip! Or JG after our 2 grand-daughters.
by Miro
If it was a mare . . .Winifred Wainwright or Pineapple Express and a stallion or gelding maybe Flashing Fetlocks, Clean Heels or Turbo Boosted. I would want a "positive" aspect to the name.
by Rice
Clean Heel is a good one.
Thanks Bryony :-)))))
by Rice
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