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What would you do with this copper gadget?

by Finy (follow)
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Mystery object (1)      Copper (1)      Useful item (1)     

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

This is a copper gadget.

What could its uses be?

#Mystery object
#Useful item
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I think I would clean the gutters of the roof, IF I did that myself!

However I found it a quirky picture...
by Finy
It looks somewhat like a shoe horn.
by Vee
Well, because it's copper and has a spout and end end to connect to a spigot, it must be for plumbing. I was thinking for the bath but it is a tad too sharp I think. Perhaps a very well built outdoor garden feature . . . pond with a fountain . . ? I thought it looked like a bullock with horns.
by Rice
Exactly!! what I thought too.
by jonaja
It looks like a replica of a gargoyle to me, so it would either be decorative or part of a water feature in the garden.
It looks like a shoehorn to me.
That's what I thought.
by Vee
Yes it is a fascinating piece and pic, would love to know what it IS used for or WAS used for....looks to me like the pipe end fits onto some sort of water feature and water comes out of the mouth along the long tongue!!
by fran
Something to use for poking a fire
by AJ
So is anyone going to educate as to what this implement is?
Personally I'm thinking something to do with cleaning ears or giving medicine to babies/children ?????
The mind boggles!
But looks like part of a garden water fountain.
P.S. Is it the faucet to an elaborate indoor spa-bath?
by donjo
Just a guess, but it looks like some Egyptian tool for scooping brains out when preparing bodies for mummification! The dog looks like a Basenji and they used to guard tombs in ancient times.
As brains extracted via the nose, implement pictured would be too big! It's very cumbersome looking as well.
by donjo
'Animal' looks like a stylised version of 'Bast', the Egyptian cat goddess.
Look at the ears, then Google a picture of 'Bast'.
Cats groom themselves constantly, which dogs do not.
Picture, to me, looks more cat-like, than dog-like.
It is a gargoyle gutter rain spout >
(figures 8 & 9)
by Rice
I'm with Rice on this one.
This looks as though it is something to do with a fountain or water feature on a house. I feel I have seen similar items in travel magazines and on documentary shows.
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