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What would you do if your child lied to you?

by annep (follow)
Parenting (216)      Kids (112)      Behaviour (31)      Lies (11)     


So now you notice that your sweet little baby thinks it is OK to tell lies. Not happy with just covering his mistakes to avoid punishment, he has decided to be creative about almost anything. Forget imaginary friends, your baby is quickly developing skills that make you think he has the potential for an Oscar. Lying now comes to him so naturally that he can tell a lie while looking straight at your face. Scary, eh?

What do you think? How should parents teach their child the value of honesty before our angels grow up to be con artists?

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I'd be upset. I would have a good talking to them, and be the change I wish to see in the world. I would not lie anyway and keep that going. The parent always needs to be the role model.
I would be really upset if my child lied to me, but I would handle it by becoming a role model myself. I also try to pass on some values by relating stories to my children which highlight the importance of speaking the truth, etc. They seem to have a really good influence on the children.
It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. Kids will lie sooner or later because everyone does. Most parents lie to their kids too.

It depends how old they are and what it's about. With preschoolers it's no big deal, they are just testing boundaries and working some stuff out. With older kids I guess I'd talk to them about it and tell them why I'd prefer they didn't do it.
All kids try their luck at extending the truth. I prefer them to be open and honest about what they say. When we know they are lying we make sure they know it. We have used the technique of - stick your tongue out...you got purple spots....so tell me the truth, when they were little. Now we ask them the same questions in a number of way to make sure we get the same story. And we let them know how it feels by doing the same thing to them.
Children start lying for many reasons. They lie because they are scared of punishments, or sometimes just because they know they can get away with lying. I think parents should open up and listen to what their child think, talk to them when they make mistake instead of grounding them or give punishment. Let the child know that lying is not a good behaviour and show them yourself that honest is really the best policy.
There is not a lot you can do -most children lie at some stage -i can only explain, or try to, that this is incorrect behaviour.
by Finy
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