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What would you do if you were a passenger in a car, and the driver was going well over the speed limit?

by Finy (follow)
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What would you do if you were a passenger, and the driver of the car was going well above the speed limit?

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This happened to me once when I was in Germany and was with a girlfriend who had a sportscar -she was doing around 140 km, and I was so petrified I was frozen and sitting right down in the street.

I felt she knew what she was doing, so when I could move my mouth I asked her would she not getting booked for speeding and she said no, she was OK -from memory there was no speed limit where we were.

Suddenly we hit West Germany -or came close to it and the freeways turned into cobblestone roads, and still she sped and by then I had my eyes shut and was prayinbg!!!

I was sure it was my last minutes on earth.....

Nowadays in Australia, I think I would say that could she please slow down as I am nervous.
by Finy
I do ask the driver to slow down if the speed is unsafe.Or as soon as I get somewhere along the journey where the car HAS to stop,I have even been known to actually get out and walk!!!! I am not a fan of travelling at speed in a car!!!
I would definitely ask them to slow down and if they were not particularly worried and didn't much...I would never get into the car with them again. I am not ofen a passenger these days.
by Fran
There's a difference between going above the speed limit and going faster than is safe for the road and the conditions. I'm not a slave to legal limits, so wouldn't even notice if a driver was going above the speed limit.
If their speed is not safe for the conditions, then I would tell them to slow down. No point in getting killed just for politeness sake!
A few months a go i was a passenger in my own car, the driver was speeding and just hinted to the driver what's the speed limit on this road, no more speeding after that.
It depends on how fast they were going. If it was near death of course I would ask them to slow but I am generally not a nervous passenger so I wouldn't notice if someone was a bit over the speed limit on a good road
by AJ
I have been.
I tell them nicely to slow down, or they could get booked.

Once I went with my son who was driving to get to one job he was doing for a customer.
His driving was sooo bad, in the end....I said LET ME OUT!
Took me a calm 2 hrs to get home, but I was not going to sit with him ''foot-brake-foot-brake''.
I would most certainly ask them to slow down. If that was a request they could not grant then it is unlikely that I would ever choose to drive with them again. I pretty fussy about road safety and I expect the people I am with to have as much respect for my life as I do for theirs.
Tell her to stop. I have done it before.
by Gia
I will usually comment on it.
Tell driver to slow down. If that doesn't work, tell driver to stop & get out! Not worth risking your life for the sake of being quiet!

Could always resort to phoning cops on your mobile, advising them description of car, driver & your whereabouts!
My ex husband would drive at 160 kl/ph just to try and frighten me he was a very abusive man and this was one of his way to get control
Oh! Morra, THAT would've been simply terrifying for you.........
by donjo
I would tell him to stop and get out of the car
if they did not slow down simple turn the engine off.
How? You're in the passenger seat. A tad difficult to reach across driver & turn-off ignition key!
by donjo
Where did that idea come from ?

by fran.
Ask them to slow down, then tell, then demand, then scream at them to stop and let me out.
You could meet someone much nicer when walking home!
And....you could meet someone not nice too, just a thought.
by jonaja
Check my seat belt

Wet my pants !
If I can see the speedo, & I know how fast he should be travelling, I'd ask my husband to slow down, but he never goes over the speed limit so I'm safe there!
by Miro
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