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What would you do if you saw a common Gecko on your wall or ceiling?

by BK (follow)
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Flickr:Jannes Pockele

What would you do if you saw a common Gecko on your wall or ceiling?

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That happens fairly often (though they are more often outside the house, around the light at the front door and on the windows). I don't do anything. They're harmless and eat moths and mosquitos.
I love watching Gecko's. I was holidaying in Queensland with friends some years ago and we sipped wine and watched Gecko's on the walls and roof for ages. Awesome little creatures.
Run to get my 3-year old daughter so she could see it too. (This is a photo she took; the bug is in glass in a playground.)
I'd be very surprised indeed, since you don't get geckos in the UK, unless they are a pet.
Since we lived on a farmhouse, I have seen them a lot as a kid. But, now they freak me out ! I do not know why but I don't think I will be able to sleep until it is there inside my house. One of the reason is that sometimes they tend to fall from ceiling and it has fallen straight on my head long time ago.
by BK
Just kidding. I'll get the broom and try to get him out the house.
by Gia
I have never seen a gecko, so I would probably scream, then laugh as I remember something somebody once told me about people pretending to be geckos, and then I would try coax it out of the house.
by Vee
I have to admit-I would RUN!!!
I used to see them when I lived somewhere else and I was always afraid they would jump on me.

However I know they ate mosquitoes so it was good to have them, and if I am a distance away, they are quite interesting to watch.
by Finy
I am with you on this Finy ! They can JUMP , but not deliberately , LOL
by BK
It happens more frequently than I care to count
Wouldn't worry me at all.
Why would it?
It's not going to attack me.
Saw my share of them when in TPNG/PNG, & WA.

In my previous house, had Huntsman spiders' who'd eat the geckoes, moths, mozzies.

Gekos and skinks don't bother me at all I think their cute and they can stay in the house for as long as they want. Spiders on the other hand I hate them, and out comes the fly spray.
I'd certainly be happy. Geckos are natural bug control. House gecko are friends in your house. Sometimes I'd give them some grains of cooked rice (they seem like it). Any way, house geckos in my country don't have such ugly texture, they're quite smooth white or cream and very cute (look at my image). Just yesterday a mischievous gecko got electric shocked by playing with my computer case. He lied belly up twitching and I started to worry he wouldn't make it. I waited and in a while he flipped himself up and started to move again which made me quite happy :D
We've had lots outside our front door over many years, in the evenings, looking so like the bricks they were resting on!!! They're lovely little creatures! And while we were in Bali for a family wedding in August '17, they were inside on the ceiling & walls in the 1st place we stayed in, & all over the light fittings on our balcony, where we sat after dinner with the lights on, at the 2nd place we stayed in, this time in Ubud.
by Miro
Had never seen one till last few months living in Qld.
Now back in nsw I miss them, and their little noise that they make.
Just try to take him back outside. Would never hurt one (or any creature for that matter).
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