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What would you do if you had one more hour in each day?

by Finy (follow)
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What would you do if you had one more hour in each day?

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Oh dear, - difficult one....I would probably sit on the computer for another hour. Can no longer do the gardening that I used to love.
Would probably walk the dogs one more time for a short one, but as I live alone I have all the time for myself anyway, so there is nothing special I would do.
by Finy
Well we do sort of don't we? When the clocks go back. A lot of people spend that time having an extra hour in bed. I don't. I just tend to go about my usual routine and somehow, I don't seem to notice having that extra hour.
I think for very very busy people, who work long hours every day it would be great! For me now, like Bryony I feel quite the same way. :)
Not really affected by 1 more hour.
Well, it really depends. If you are talking about Daylight Savings, which occurs overnight, I would naturally spend it sleeping. If it was during the day, I would really love an extra hour. For workaholics, having an extra hour would mean organising extra appointments and meetings. I would probably spend it going for a walk if I had some extra time. It is dangerous to have too many extra hours, as for many people it would mean being extra busy. I have little time with 24 hours let alone having 25 !!!
not talking daylight savings - talking theoretically about having 25 hours in a day!
by Finy
I don't know, maybe I would read more than I already do.
I am not a particularly industrious person these days. In reality an extra hour in a day would get soaked up doing mundane things like watching tv or wasted at the computer. If we knew that the days were going to become 25 hours , maybe I would resolve to using it wisely, for exercise or creating art.
As you are not talking about daylight savings, - I wouldn't do anything different anyway, I just do all the things planned for the day and set myself a target to relax at the end of the day with movies or tv
As you are not talking about daylight savings, - I wouldn't do anything different anyway, I just do all the things planned for the day and set myself a target to relax at the end of the day with movies or tv
As you are not talking about daylight savings, - I wouldn't do anything different anyway, I just do all the things planned for the day and set myself a target to relax at the end of the day with movies or tv
by AJ
I have no idea. Quite possibly the same as Finy. . . . . LOL
by Rice
I would try and do something that I currently don't have enough time for - like reading or listening to my favourite music. I would try not to use it for work or chores.
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