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What would a sick friend appreciate most?

by grann (follow)
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Bucket of flowers and get well card

What would a sick friend appreciate most?
In days of old, a bag of grapes was most appreciated, particularly if the patient was hospitalised. These days the revolving doors of hospitals mean that, unless you are at Death's door, you won't be in hospital long enought to eat them. How do you go about making a friend feel better emotionally if not physically?

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One of my best friends is dying of Cancer.

I have just been there for her, (she is at home)....Bough her flowers to make her bedroom nice and pretty.Chocolates, even though they have been done over and over as a gift, they sometimes are all people can eat.
Keeping food down is not always easy, so a nibble on a chocolate can be helpful.
I also would look for interesting soft sweet foods, for her...and something different in the way of drinks.

She is not always house bound, so taking her for a light lunch on good days too is fun.
Then, just talking together in her room...having a laugh, and remembering funny things we did years ago.
Telling her, how I love her for the friend she is...
but being very careful how I do it, so she will not feel (her days are limited).

She wanted a few jobs done around the house, so I said I will do them....and we had a nice time together talking as I did the jobs.

After I had my first baby (so I wasn't sick, but in many ways it's similar) my Mum came over, brought me some homemade food and best of all did some of my washing for me. It really took some pressure off me and appreciated it immensely.

Also never underestimate the power of a hug or a phonecall to check they're okay.
Always most appreciated.
by grann
Just being there for them. If they like flowers, buy them a bunch of flowers. Hand made get well cards are also gold :)
I think a sick friend would appreciate you letting them know you are a phone call away if they need you and the understanding that if they want to be left alone you respect that too.
My best friend is battling cancer and unfortunately her immunity is so low, we are not allowed to meet her. Just being there, positive reassurances and humor helps.
Just being there emotionally is enough, sometimes being there physically will cause more troubles e.g. they are too tired or too overwhelmed by the number of visitors...
Probably just to have someone there, if not physically than emotionally, at the end of a phone line, or by SMS, would do a great deal for a sick person. Maybe flowers once they're home, or help with something they can't currently do, would make a huge difference to somebody.
You can't beat chicken soup. I would also bring chocolate and funny movies to watch.
Home-made meals are appreciated and helpful, especially if there are children in the family.
By being there for them, asking what they need and making it about them not you.
A warm meal.
by Vee
A practical little gift that isn't too expensive is a pack of herb teas...especially ones that are good for colds, flu, stress, or whatever the problem is. Another nice gift is an essential oil burner and some nice relaxing and healing essential oils to burn in it...plus some small tea-light candles.
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