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What was your last purchase on Ebay?

by Finy (follow)
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What was your last purchase on Ebay?

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My last purchase on eBay was a few days ago. It was an incomplete set of coloured pencils in a wooden box. The set cost about half what a new set would and it is fairly easy to replace the missing pencils if I need them. I love to buy second hard art supplies as often they have had very little use and they are more affordable than new.
I can't remember!
I used to buy every few days on EBay however no longer do.
I am tending to buy on the Internet but not through Ebay.

I bought a Bamix last week but looked at Ebay and ended up getting it cheaper at several places online and places that I knew or trusted.

A few days ago Ebay were offering sellers no charges for the day or some such so they must have had a drop in sales - I don't like Ebay as I feel they are greedy and a law unto themselves.
by Finy
I agree about Ebay being greedy. They don’t treat sellers very well to be honest. They charge 10% comission on sales, which is fair enough, but that 10% includes postage fees, which is outrageous.
yes, I SO agree Bryony re the commission - as if they dont earn enough and what a nerve to charge commission on a postage charge! I also hate using Paypal as it is them and who knows what else they now own!
by Finy
Yes, that too. Not only do you get charged 10% comission from Ebay, but since they separated from Paypal, you now fet charged a % from Paypal on top of that as well.
A book for my mum for Christmas, which will be a present from my dad. I do all the online shopping for my family, and they pay me back afterwards.
A light box for an artist friend of mine.
Used the 10% discount code also, so saved plenty.
have never purchased anything on EBay.
I have never shopped on eBay
by AJ
Great Question!

Today and yesterday and the day before.

I was looking for double sided ribbon, and some hand made tags and some wood hearts....Found it all and very cheap may I say.

Today...I got another two pkt's with things I had bought 2 weeks ago, and I don't spend much....but it is a lot of fun.

It is a life line for people who are unable to get out and shop! anyway who likes all that shopping, with people everywhere.*#!?* Not meeeeee.
My daughter gets all kinds of things for her craft and her baking etc from ebay and it is all dirt cheap too! It's like Christmas every day :-))))))))
by Rice
I don't purchase anything from E-Bay. I prefer shopping in the stores.
I always buy my anti-virus software from E-bay as I can't get it cheaper elswhere, so every 12 months as I too have stopped buying from them for the same reason as Finy.
Mine is much brighter and prettier though - this is a stock photo.
by Rice
do not buy from ebay or for that matter anything online.
I have never bought anything on line either!
by Miro
Dont shop eBay but check it out from time to time for prices on items. Not a fan of shopping online but for difficult things to get, I still like to see feel touch and get the items i have chosen.
A food dehydrator. I got it for under half price.
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