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What was your favourite toy when you were a child?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Life (383)      Toys (20)      Childhood (19)     
We all had our favourite toy when we were growing up which made us feel special or that we played with the most. Sometimes it is unique because we received it at a special occasion, or because someone special gifted it to us, or just because it reminded us of a special memory.

toy, child

What was your favourite toy and why was it the most special for you? Do you still have it?

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My Teddy bear.

Still have it.

He will be 60 years old next year.
And......he looks worse than I do.......Ha!! Poor Teddy :(
At least I'm not loosing my hair...... Ha.
Just like Bryony, I had a stuffed toy rabbit, and still have it stored away somewhere. I used to rub one ear of my rabbit as a comforter to get to sleep at night, until all the 'fur' from that ear disappeared altogether! I'm not entirely sure why that particular soft toy happened to be a favourite!
As a kid, I was never fond of soft toy. My favorite toy was a small remote control car given to me by dad when I was about 7 years old. Unfortunately, it fell apart after a few years from constant knocking and scratching. I was a bad 'driver' then but had lots of fun and memories.
My favourite is/was a stuffed toy rabbit. It was the first soft toy I ever had, and it was from my aunt. I still have it on my bed. In terms of activity based toys, I had a toy railway set. You put together the track, turned on the choo choo train and watched it chug round.
My favourite was a very colourful teddy bear which I named 'colourful'. I always took it to bed with me and almost everywhere I went. I still have it now and I have given to my little boy and told him how special it is. I love it when he sleeps with colourful next to him too. So cute
Loved the cabbage patch at one stage. Otherwise a plush tiger was great too.
Books, books, books - not strictly speaking toys, but they were my "toy" of choice as a child.
I can only remember my doll, Wendy who I sadly threw out.
by Finy
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