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What was your favourite schoolyard game?

by grann (follow)
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Skipping rope

I've got a feeling that kids don't play many games in the schoolyard these days. They are most likely sitting alone staring at their phones. Maybe game playing is banned in the interests of safety and possible litigation. I hope I'm wrong.

#School Days
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I honestly don't remember that far back. I think we used to skip rope in primary school and play a little volleyball in high school, but other than that, I am not sure.
I spent a lot of lunch hours playing variations on "Tiggy" and Hide and Seek. Hand ball was also a lot of fun. My favourite running around games were played at youth group rather than school (they probably would have been banned at school for causing too many injuries). They were Shipwreck (someone is the ship's captain and calls instructions like "port" and "starboard" and everybody has to run to that side of the "ship" with the last person to get there being out), Rag Hockey (improvised hockey with a an old pair of socks for the ball, rolled up newspaper for a stick, chairs for the goals and not much in the way of rules) and the Box Game (you all hold hands in a circle around a big pile of cardboard boxes and pull this way and that trying to drag each other into the pile).

Oh, and Red Rover or Bullrush was always banned at school for causing injuries which seemed kind of silly to me since it was no more dangerous (probably less) than any school sport.
Back to those primary school days - a few I loved:
Stuck in the mud

I loved that elastic game where you have two people standing with elastic around their ankles and the others do a figure of eight while doing tricks. The elastic gets higher, and the person in front (or being chased) takes longer to do tricks!
That was a big craze at my school for a while.
My favourite school yard game,running around the play ground chasing other kids.
I remember back 54 years, and can still see myself at age 6 running all over the place, having a wonderful time.
That is one memory I will not forget, even if I have forgotten most of that time.
When I see kids now, as I drive by a school...hearing them shouting and laughing it's music to my ears.
I would just love to live close to a Primary School, and hear them having fun .

I live near a primary school. It is nice noise provided you don't get close enough to hear what the kids are actually saying. It's like the way sheep on a hillside are picturesque and up close they're kind of dirty and smelly.
love it :) your soooo lucky.
by jonaja
Kids are allowed to take their phones to school?!? That's crazy. I loved playing elastics, jump rope as a group and stuck in the mud. Lunchtime was so much fun.
Handball. We would play with four squares - Ace, King, Queen and Dunce. We all got so competitive that it would be all we would do right from when the bell rang for recess or lunch up until it rang again for us to return to class.
Elastics...and jacks.
Hopskotch, skip rope, tag, freeze tag, corners, hop and catch, so many. I remember we used to have so much fun.
Twiggy, Rockeo, & Skipping (with rope), which my Father had bought me...just a plain, good thick rope. The other kids' thought I was 'SO Good', lugging it to School to play with!

Then got into Ball Games, then Netball, Tennis & Swimming, as the years' rolled by!
Please explain Twiggy and Rockeo.
by grann
Oops! Meant 'Tiggy'.....
'Rockeo': you had a 'base', (in this case, a very thick root from a Moreton Bay Fig), whoever was 'in' stood at base counting to ten, whilst other participants' hid.
Then 'in' person had to find them, & once found, all had to run back to 'base' & first person there called out 'Rockeo'. Last person to base was 'in' for the next round!
by donjo
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