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What was your favourite food as a child?

by VerityG (follow)
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toad in the hole sausages batter childhood British food traditional meal
Toad in the Hole by Rexipe Rexipe via Wikimedia Commons

What was your favourite food as a child? Do you still eat it now as an adult?

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Verity -I am too old to remember this!

No, actually as a child I did not like food at all -things changed for me when I got married.

Things changed again for me when I hit about 55 and started to put on weight for the first time in my life.

My favourite food as a child was milk, and I got into trouble at almost every meal time as I always had milk before a meal, and got into trouble for not eating the meal -mostly i did not like the food, and I still cannot eat Kohl Rabi as that is one my mother made and I was almost sick when I had to eat it.
by Finy
I loved pizza and garlic fingers - which is essentially pizza but with garlic butter replacing pizza sauce. I still love both foods but I eat pizza or garlic fingers once a month now instead of 2 or 3 times a week.
My mother would make a huge English rice pudding with sultanas.
Eccles cake's too....miss her coking so much.

Never had it since those days.
I had several. Mums meat pie, lamb, fish and apples.
All sorts of comfort foods, soft boiled eggs with soldiers, bread and butter custard, beef tea (not milky), steamed whole very fresh leatherjacket with bread and butter on the side and just a pinch of salt, lamb brains in white sauce with lots of parsley, fresh thickly sliced white breat with anchovy butter spread thickly on both sides, semi frozen milk made into a milkshake with the usual ice cream in it as well - nice and thick......I can go on forever
roast dinner always on a sunday. lamb chicken or beef --. baked custard, queen pudding, rice pudding ,
still eat roast dinners not roast beef only because the butchers nowadays do not use the correct meat for it.
Yeah, yummo !
Agree about the beef too. Have never been able to get the flavour of the rolled roast beef my mother used to cook (nor the potatoes that went with it).
by fran.
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