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What was your child's first word?

by VerityG (follow)
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baby sitting talking
Photo via VerityG

Do you recall what your child's (or children's) first word was? Was it something predictable like Mama or did it surprise you?

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da dad!
all 3 of my boys said that....and I was with them all the time?

That must have been a bit annoying!
Apparently it is quite common? I don't get it.
by jonaja
I think it is probably because we don't realise how often we say it to them. I now realise how much I must have used dad and daddy to my daughter because of the dogs . . . . if I mention dad or daddy they go nuts and run to the door. She was probably having a similar reaction, I imagine, but had no tail to wag. Yes, we are mummy and daddy to the dogs. Sad, I know. LOL
by Rice
by jonaja
Eldest said Quack
Second said Dada
Third said Mama
Fourth said There and today he started saying Duck very enthusiastically
Bit of a wildfowl theme emerging there, Meg....
My little lad's first word was "cat", rapidly followed by "Tiger" which is out cat's name.... next was Dada.... Mama didn't come for a long time, after all sorts of other important words like digger and car. Priorities... ;)
My daughter's was "more", by which she meant she wanted more breastmilk. Next was "Daddy". It was a while before she said "mummy", but she signed it pretty early on.
I learnt signing with S but he never used it! Though once he was talking fairly fluently he would occasionally make the sign as he said the word, so he had obviously learnt it all just decided not to bother with the signs.... we never had any problems understanding each other even before he was speaking so I suppose he didn't see any need for the signs.

"More" is a great first word, very useful!
I can't honestly say, he started mumbling 'mama' and 'tata' (dad) around the same time.
by Vee
I can't honestly say, he started mumbling 'mama' and 'tata' (dad) around the same time.
by Vee
My son's first word was "dadda".
Funnily enough it was lemonade, a drink my mother often gave to my eldest in moderation as she was always bringing up her bottle. She was very young as well.
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