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What was the last take away meal you had?

by Finy (follow)
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What was the last take away meal you had?

#Take away
#Fast food
#Last take away
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I no longer have fast food very often but a few weeks ago a cafe opened near me and having had GOZLEME once somewhere, I noticed that they had it.
So I bought some -as I also like to support close by businesses!
It was delicious.
Yesterday I went back on my way to my voluntary job and bought another spinach and feta Gozleme for myself and a co worker, and we sat and ate it with some chips she had bought!
Very yummy - not the healthiest but every month or so, cant do a lot of harm.
AND gozleme is yummy!
by Finy
I had a hamburger 3 1/2 years ago when I moved into my present home & was too tired & hungry to cook. Bought from a local fish & chip place with a good reputation, so it was NOT from one of those chain places.
Pizza, which was supposed to be cheese free but came with cheese anyway.
how annoying! did u take it back? that would be even more annoying, though the others in your family eat cheese, dont they?
by Finy
I can't eat it and the kids just don't like melted cheese. Normally I'd have taken it back, but my husband picked it up to take to a picnic, and by the time he got there everyone was hungry and we just had to make do (I picked off the cheese as best I could). We complained later but they didn't care so I just won't go to that place again. :/
Isn't cheese what makes a pizza ?
by fran.
Not if you're lactose intollerant, no. I've had pizza with vegan "cheese", but I actually prefer it without any as long as there are plenty of nice toppings.
On a work trip I had KFC chicken a few weeks ago and a beef turnover recently. That's about all I've had in a long time. Fast food is like a vehicle for salt, sugar and fat so I have it rarely. Additionally, I find it more cost effective to purchase fresh produce and have it prepared at home.
I'm not really a take-away kind of gal - if I'm not making my own meals (be it lunch or dinner) then I'm eating out at restaurants or have on-set catering (yes I'm lucky working in the film industry). HOWEVER, a couple of months ago I was unable to get to our film set, so missed out on lunch catering. Instead my takeaway ended up being a turkey, cheese and lettuce sandwich !
Do not really eat the stuff, makes me slightly sick. :(
2017 has turned out so far to be fab as far as eating low fat and healthy, and not turning back now....too happy!
I had Hungry Jacks a few weeks ago as a treat !!! Its not something we do often, but we do enjoy this occasional treat.
A KFC burger meal just before we hit the beach last week.
by Vee
The only takeaway that we get is pizza. We probably have a takeaway pizza every couple of months.
by AJ
I very rarely have take away meals.It is something I have never done often, but rather as a major treat(depending on what I have!!!) My neighbour and I each live alone so every month or so we will share a really decent pizza.He orders and collects our choice,which is always from a 'Better' range, and it ends up costing us a massive(?!!!!) $4 each at the most!!! We always enjoy this delicious little way of treating ourselves and it is well and truly enough for us to share! IWe never bother with any of the extras on offer , and thuis way we can simply enjoy whatever we want to have as our drink without wasting huge amounts of cash, which neither of us have anymore. The last one we enjoyed, about 3 weeks ago, included olives, baby spinach, capsicum, short cut bacon rashers and fresh tommatoes with the traditional base and cheese. Absolutely lovely,especially when not eaten often!
I had Japanese food. I had a Salmon bento box.
Fish & Chips, from my excellent local shop!
Hot chips. My husband made hamburgers for dinner. We always make our own beef patties but he liked the look of the 4 patties he brought home and I bought the brioche buns. Cooked them and brought mine in to me, took one bite and spat it out, asking him if he'd overdone the pepper. He said he hadn't and I said I couldn't eat it as my mouth was burning. He says the packaging says it has cheese in it. I go out to the kitchen, check the packaging to see they were jalapeño patties so he couldn't eat his either and drove to the local shops to buy the chips as I'd decided I'd make do with a couple of chip sarnies. Not healthy but too hot and late to bother with other food.
I think it was a pizza a few weeks ago.
by Rice
We were coming home at 8pm, last night, & we needed more milk. My husband called into our local supermarket (in the rain) & bought the milk, & also a 1/2 priced takeaway chicken, so I wouldn't have to cook, when we got home so late! Bless him. I just served it up with a bit of salad.The only other times we have takeaway, is if we come home later from interstate, & I'm really too tired to cook anything, but here is something REALLY easy: Baked beans on toast, with a little bit of sliced onion, bacon with an egg on top. It doesn't sound like much, but it's really yummy, & saves buying takeaway!
by Miro
During Vivid, 2 weeks ago, we bought a $1 burger each, medium sized chip serving, (which looked like a small serving,) & a large latte.
by Miro
About three years ago I had a double cheeseburger, fries, and a Diet Coke. It stayed down for about an hour. It was like the "Super Size Me" movie about McDonalds.
It must have been the diet coke, Polly! That's worse to drink than normal coke, because it has more chemicals in it. I tried 1, once (because I got it for free, & no I didn't steal it) & it tasted awful.
by Miro
Maybe. It was a horrible experience..
by Polly
Normally I drink water. I can't drink regular Coke or most soft drinks because I am allergic to high fructose corn syrup.
by Polly
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