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What was the last item of clothing you bought?

by Finy (follow)
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What was the last item of clothing you bought?

#Buying clothes
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The last items I bought were 5 tops for $21!
There is a shop next to my local hairdresser that is closing down and they have tops and pants and dresses out for $3 and $5 each...cheaper than an op shop.

I took them home, put them in the washing machine, half expecting them to shrink as I only bought cotton or rayon, and they all washed beautifully, so I am very pleased with my purchases - up to date, modern tops and they also had some way out ones, which did not look so good on me and I did not buy...but previous to that I walked through Myer to get to other shops and ended up buying two tops for half price and then an extra 20% off but they were still about $30 each!
Some of the clothes in the shop closing down were originally $59.95 - what a bargain.
by Finy
Two weeks ago I bought five pairs of shorts (two, two and one) and a pair of patterned blue Bengaline pants from Millers online. Cotton and comfy.
by Rice
2 days ago when just browsing. I noticed a bra in my size (hard to get bargains when you are big) but noticed it was a particular size and colour on the sale tag so decided I didn't want/need it but noticed a different style in white at full price so chose that instead. Going through the checkout the price came up at $7.00. I couldn't believe my eyes, checked the docket, and there it was, the bargain of the year. I've never bought a bra at that price, in my size, in my life.
I have bought a few things lately. I bought a few T shirts from Millers, and I bought three pairs of shorts online. I can't recall whether it was the T shirts or the shorts which were the last things I bought !!!! Anyway, they all look very nice and fresh. The shorts are the most comfortable I have ever worn, so I bought a few different colours. I have already thrown out some older clothes to make room for these new ones. I still have to do my annual wardrobe clean out. I have done most of it, so halfway there !!!!
Yesterday a new top for summer, it has print on it....which I am not really a fan of. Still it looks nice enough.
$8 at my local Op shop, so If I get tired of it ....I'll give it back LOL.
A dress in Target
by AJ
I bought a mauve coloured top for $2 (half price) at an op shop. I was very pleased with my purchase as I have beads that will look good with it and the price was definitely right.
a black pair of shiny sneakers on sale ready for the next season, but I don't need or want any more stuff! Oh, I mean I will buy if I fall in love with something and can't live without it but I don't meed anymore stuff!
long time only bought for the kids
I last bought a black Star Wars shirt embossed with a white storm trooper image. My friend and I wanted to watch The Last Jedi while each wearing a shirt of the series. As it turned out, I was the only one who managed to find a shirt with a good design and sold at a discounted price to boot (around $4).
Pants from Kathmandu.. I love the brand and the quality is excellent.
I bought 2 sleeves cotton dresses for my husband to give me for my birthday next April. He was with me when I choose them, so he has paid for them. They were from a lovely 'Pop-up' shop, in my local Westfield. I hope the shop stays there!
by Miro
(My husband also gave me 2 cotton dresses, of my choice) for Christmas. 1 of them I'm not wearing until my s/i/l's 40th, at the end of Nov, '18. )
by Miro
A summer dress that was on sale for $30 in my favourite store
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