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What view would you most like to have out your window?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Window (3)      Scenery (2)      view (1)      vista (1)     

A pond in autumn through the window - Photo in the Public Domain via Pixabay

A good view is often high on a wish list when looking for a new home but what is a good view? Is it a beach, the ocean, rolling hills, craggy mountains, a rural landscape, or an urban streetscape?

What view would you most like to have out your window?

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As long as it's a view of nature I don't mind if it's bush or beach, forest or desert, rolling hills or flat plains, lakes or mountains.
The forest. I just love waking up surrounded by trees and green plants such as ferns. I just love the beauty of rainforests. Its like we are in Mother Natures cradle, with all the new growth and new life
The beach. The sound of the ocean is rather calming. Its nice to look at too. Makes you want to just get out of bed and take a dive.
Otherwise, the forest and trees
by dwatk
. . . and the cows, horses, chickens etc. would grow old and never leave or be eaten.
by Rice
I love a view of natural surrounds with trees, grass and wildlife.
Either a sea view or river view if money was no object. Otherwise it's my palms, shrubs and flowers that I enjoy daily. It's very relaxing just being around greenery.
I like different views but I wouldn't mind either of these, a beach, cottage garden, hills, native forrest to bring the animals out, scented flowers.
The Ocean. Calming and beautiful. If only I had the money to make that happen!
A bubbling brook, with meadows' beside it!
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