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What type of pasta to you like best?

by annlu (follow)
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packet of italian pasta

During a recent trip to Italy I was blown away but the many different varieties of pasta on the shelves of grocery stores and on restaurant menus. There are not so many different kinds in the stores, markets and restaurants in Australia. My favourite find was chocolate pasta!

What type of pasta do you like best?

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I recently found udon noodles which are a Japanese noodle used in stir fries and Pho (a Japanese soup). They are wonderful and are easily my favourite.
I like Udon noodles too, but I buy those novelty pastas for the kids - they love the dinosaur and hello kitty shapes best!
by Lucy
Gluten Free!
It cooks so well, and no 'glug' and the taste is very clean.
Great for salads, or where you want to mix it in with other foods.
Keeps well also in the fridge for a day or two...Excellent Pasta.
A little more expensive, but you get what you pay for.
My favourite is penne pasta; it goes great with tomato based sauces.
I Like Gluten Free pasta. The only pasta I can have :/
Chocolate pasta? Yum! I'm a fan of shell or spiral pasta
I like virtually all pasta, as they all taste fairly similar, and could not pick just one !
by Finy
I like all pastas however I like the distinct taste of Udon noodles which are a Japanese type.

Being vegetarian I use a lot of noodles -I also like the rice noodles. They are very versatile.
by Finy
by Vee
by Vee
spirals usually, but rissoni for a special treat
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