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What type of jeans do you prefer?

by Finy (follow)
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There are many different cuts/styles of jeans.

Do you prefer denim?

Do you like tight fitting, loose legs, hipster, or another style?

#Denim jeans
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I have always loved very tight jeans and now that I am skinny again, I can wear them.

I kept mine from when they were in fashion about 15 years ago and they fit me beautifully!

I have some that are not fitted, but do not like these as much.
by Finy
Just got back into jeans after throwing out all my old ones some months ago...bought the latest straight skinny leg and just love them, come up just under the waist and slight stretch...best fit I have had for years.
by Fran
blue denim, flared legs. not faded or torn.
I live in jeans, and I like whatever is comfortable. Usually prefer a straight leg not super tight but not baggy either.
I'm into skinny jeans in blue denim.
Ones that don't make my bum look big cos I have a partner who when asked the question "does my bum look big in this" will answer truthfully. I am grateful for the honesty and also for the guidance. Blue denim, low riser, boot cut or straight leg.
I used to love jeans when I was younger.I wore the very fine cord ones,straight leg in a lovely shade which I can only describe as 'dirty camel'!!! Thank heavens they didn't SMELL like dirty camels,eh?!!!! As I got older and came to live in a very warm climate,I gave the jeans up for very lightweight comfy pants instead. I love colour in my clothes as I think it makes you FEEL cheerful when you LOOK that way!
I like skinny leg or bootcut
by AJ
Tight fitting and high waisted.
by Vee
I have a pair dark denims that I love been wearing them for 3 years

levi's cut the best for my shape, bootleg, low waisters, stretch for a nice fit...if I was stuck on a dessert island I would take my levis and my toothbrush (oh and water of course)
I've tried many other brands, but my absolute favourites are the stretched denim straight leg ones i bought from Target and were on special for $20. They fit perfectly and don't need ironing.
I'm one of the weird people in the world, who even when a teenager...hated jeans.

For me they don't breath, are hot to wear, don't move, and even if you wear the ones that do move...still way to restricting :(

I know....I know#!?*!#

Very comfortable, soft ones, which 90% of mine are. The exception are my seamless, tight ones for horse-riding, for obvious reasons.

Live in my jeans in Winter, with my RM's, comfort personified!

Amazing how a hard work outfit, originally made from sail-cloth, by Levi Strauss, for the gold miners' in California, has become 'de rigeur' wear for 20th/21st century man, woman & child.
Yes I like narrow leg stretch denim which gives a great fit and smooths you out very well. Gives you a good line too!
Levis straight cut baggy.
I haven't worn jeans for 3/5 years. that was when I discovered dresses, which I wear very time I leave the house. Far more colourful!
by Miro
Straight leg, not too baggy. To me, "jeans" means denim.
by Rice
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