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What type of accommodation do you prefer while travelling?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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accommodation, hotel, motel, caravan park

When travelling, do you like to stay in a hotel, resort or bed and breakfast, or do you prefer a caravan park or camping? Where do you usually travel to and why?

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I'd prefer a hotel or a self catering cottage. With b&bs, they are generally designed for just and one or two night stay, and you have to find somewhere to eat each night. If I am on holiday, I don't see the point in going unless you are going to be there a longer time.

With a hotel, you get all the comforts and housework is done for you, with a self catered cottage, you get the privacy.
Self contained serviced apartments.
I don't travel a lot, but when I do we get a high rise apartment, and they are not as expensive...as people would think.The family all put together, and stay 3-4-5 days.
It has a huge kitchen, lounge room, bathroom, bedrooms and 18 ft ceilings, huge veranda and about 15 floors up.We love it!
It depends on the trip. Generally a 4-5 star hotel is ideal comfort and luxury.
As I tend to travel with Master 12, I enjoy staying at a resort, which as a pool and lots of open outdoor spaces or in a self contained apartment, where we can cook our own food.
Depends on the trip and the budget...we do the whole bit from YHA's to 5 star hotels - it's more on the style of holiday. Self contained can be good if you're trying to limit costs or are remote. Hotels are great in big cities where you'll be eating out anyway and so on...
When travelling, we either stay on cruise ships or with a daughter in Melbourne. That's it. Oh yes, recently we stayed 3 nights in a cheapish hotel in Singapore, then stayed in 2 'homestay' in Bali, & they were lovely & mostly quite!
by Miro
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