What time do you get up?
Depending on your job and how far you have to travel, it can mean an early rise. What time do you get up for work? Do you have an alarm, or do you wake up on time without one?
On your days off, do you sleep in or get up at the usual time? What time do you usually get up at the weekend?
Does a sleeping in make you feel more refreshed or are you more groggy for lying in bed for so long?
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I am a bad sleeper and usually get up at 3am to work. Sometimes I go back to bed for a couple more hours, but am usually up around 7am
I get up when my babies get up, so this varies dramatically. I definitely don't need an alarm, although that said, the other week, my 7 month old slept about an hour longer than he has ever slept before and my other half was late for work. The lie in was so worth it though :-)
During the week - about 630am, due to relying on public transport to get to uni/work.
During my days off - I often sleep at midnight and don't wake up till 10am the next day.
Having said that, my sleeping pattern is absolutely erratic: I wake up multiple times during the night, resulting in me being tired all the time. It's an awful feeling.
Sleeping in on weekends, however, are what I look forward to the most!
When I'm going in to work I get up around 7 am without an alarm clock. I have three kids under 7, so many opportunities to be woken through the night. When I'm doing freelance from home, I get up at 3. It's amazing how much I can get done without little people awake! I never use an alarm clock.
On weekends, I used to be the kind of person who would sleep in unti midday. Now with ljttle kids, that never happens. Rarely I'll wake up feeling extra refreshed on the weekend after going back to sleep and discover that I've slept in until 8:30 am!
It depends on how much sleep I have gotten during the night, but I'll get up between eight and nine. One of the perks of being a full-time mum and working in the afternoons I guess.
No need for alarm clock as baby wakes me up. No better way to be woken up if you ask me.
I normally get up about an hour before I have to do anything. So for example, if work starts at 8 and I need to leave at 7:30 to make it into work on time, I will get up at 6:30.
If I do not have anything going on during the day, I normally wake up around 8-9 but it also depends how tired I have recently been.
My body is also quite sensitive to light as well, so if the sun rises early, I wake up briefly, check the time and wake up about an hour or so later depending on what I have to do during the day.
Too early. Like Ivana, I sometimes need to wake up at 3am to do some work. Generally 5ish. If lucky, 6:50am or later. Grrrr...media clients sometimes ring and/or text me at odd hours - 2am - sometimes. Like now, a client has just woken me up!
I get up at about 6 am....without the help of my clock.
It's called 'conditioning'.
mainly happens with Baby Boomer's.
I work from home and get up at 5am most days. Sometimes if I have to go out somewhere the next day, I will get up early at 2.45am to get finished my work at home first. I don't do that very often though.
I am get before 5 am weekdays not because I work but I like to see my husband off to work with a good breakfast. We have been married 45 years this year.
Hi, I usually get up at 5.20am for a 6.45am start at a Nursing Home. I definitely need a gentle wake up so radio 2CH is good for me. By the time I have a shower, feed the fish, feed and play with and the dogs, have breakfast, it's time to leave at 6.30 for my 6 minute drive to work. Days off? yes, I'm finally starting to be able to sleep in for an hour or so now thanks to cooler mornings and a beautiful light and warm doona, I feel just as refreshed whether I get the extra hour or not. However, the dogs know it's my day off so they're not far away wanting an early morning walk!
When worked, got up 50 mins before leaving. Sometimes that meant 4:40am! Pitch black at rly stn!
Have always loved 'sleeping-in'. Nowadays, can do that everyday, unless have appts. Like early morn. ones', as whomsoever I'm seeing is more likely to be on time!
I'm an 'owl', so sometimes stay up until early hours' watching a VHS tape of a recorded TV show, or looking at articles'/shows' on my ITablet! Watched 'Rockwiz' at 2:20 this morning, as missed it on TV last night!
I feel quite refreshed if have a sleep-in!
around 6.30 am as I walk my dogs every morning.
I get up early in the morning
My friend & I walk at 7/730 during the summer, & at 8 during the cooler months. On the odd mornings we don't walk, I still wake up early. If I'm going out for the day, we don't walk, & I need to set my alarm 3hrs before I leave the house at 920am. I do set my alarm every evening, but I usually wake up before it goes off! On the days I stay home, I'll walk, have a shower, take my breakfast back to bed, get on my laptop, then fall back to sleep again for a couple of hours.
On weekdays (for work) my alarm goes off at 4.50am and I get up 2 'snoozes' after that (about 18mins). :) Never been able to just leap out of bed the second my eyes open! On weekends I'm still up early, just because I'm used to it - 5.30'ish if I'm going to the gym or 6.30/7'ish if I'm spoiling myself with a 'sleep-in'! Too long in bed and my body begins to 'ache' - my back & hips especially don't like it. Will never understand how anyone spends 10, 12 or more hours in bed!
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