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What time do you consider to be lunch time?

by lizzi (follow)
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Yummy lunch! Image from my own kitchen.

Some people have lunch at 11am and some people have lunch at 3pm (my parents!). When do you have lunch? And at what point does it cease to be lunch time and become afternoon tea time?

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I consider lunch to be between noon and one. Also, I consider 11am to be brunch and 3pm to be afternoon tea.
by Vee
Breakfast - 4am - 10.30am
Brunch - 10.30am - 12pm
Lunch - 12pm - 3pm
Afternoon Tea - 3pm - 5pm
Dinner - 5pm - 8pm
Supper - 8pm - 11.30pm
Midnight Snack - 11.30pm - 4am

I tend to have lunch around 11.30 since that's when I'm hungry. I suppose it's because I eat breakfast fairly early. I'm not really hung up specific meal times though. I eat when I'm hungry. I think around 3 I'd be calling it afternoon tea rather than lunch.

For me I would say 12:30 p.m. is Lunch time.

At 2:30 pm that to me is the
cut off time...for Lunch.

Afternoon Tea to me is 3p.m.
Lunch is usually between one and two o'clock.
I often give the kids "first lunch" at about 11 and then "second lunch" at about 2pm. I tend to refer to the first as lunch and the second as afternoon tea though to save the confusion. For myself as an adult though I would consider "lunch time" to be between 11:30 - 1:30...Lunch always had to be taken somewhere between those times when I was working.
Anytime between 12 to 2:30 is good. But I am not very particular. If I have a late lunch, I cut down on dinner.
by BK
I usually dont consider any time to be lunch time -just when I am hungry or feel like eating.

This usually happens around 12 when I start work at 1 pm and anywhere up to 1.30 pm when I am not working and have nothing to do.

If i eat earlier and am home, I tend to eat more in between and when I eat in between it is usually sweet things which I want to avoid. I have little willpower with food.
by Finy
I think the generally accepted time would be between 12 noon - 1.p.m. but it's up to the individual. Personally, I sometimes don't have anything to eat until perhaps 2.p.m. as I just don't feel like it. Rarely have breakfast, not as a fad, just don't feel like eating. I do make sure I have plenty of fluids (water) though.
When I worked, Lunch could be taken between 11:30am & 2pm.

As I don't eat breakfast, I always opted for 11:30am Lunch. That kept me going until Dinner, which was between 5:30pm & 7:30pm, dependent on what day shift I was on.

Now, I eat when I feel like it!
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