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What the strangest question you've ever been asked at a job interview?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Employment (14)      Jobs (8)      Interview (2)     

Questions (Image by quicksandala via morgueFile)
Image by quicksandala via morgueFile

Job interviews can be a trial at the best of times but even more so when unexpected or even downright strange questions are asked. What's the strangest question you've ever been asked at a job interview?

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''What if an inmate spits in your face, and it gets in your eyes''.

''I will go get a pair of fake glasses from the optometrist before starting the job, and that should stop it getting in my eyes''

I got the job :)
by Vee
by jonaja
I've not been to enough job interviews to have been asked a strange question. I like jonaj's share though. LOL!
by Vee
Years ago I was being interviewed by a professional (supposedly) employment agent who asked what brand of nail polish I was wearing.
"In any previous job, have you ever done anything above, & beyond your PD?"

"Yes, dropped off urgent required paperwork for a customer, after work, who lived nearby".

This I/V was one of the best I've had. There were lots of laughs, & 'impressive' answers by me!

Considering a job I/V really scared the livin' daylights outta me, I usually did well, & got the job!
Cant think of any but one interviewer took he medication with a sip of orange juice during the interview.
by Gia
Because I don't drive, it's somehow assumed I don't know how to get to the place by public transport sometimes. When calling me for the interview, I'm always told directions for driving/parking, etc, as this is assumed.
"What made you apply to us for a job ?"
I replied "because you advertised a position vacant and I thought I might be the person to fill that vacancy" WT

Exactly ........ What The? lol
by jonaja
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