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What technology do you love?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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technology love
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / Freedigitalphotos.net

What piece of technology do you love? Why?

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Like Sarah, I also love my iPhone. I don't like it how the iPhone 5 has a short battery span, yet it is a life genie. Take pictures for my articles, surf the Internet on the spot and do my banking mobile etc. Text people - love it. A time saver. I also love my MacBook Pro laptop too :)
I hate to admit it, but I just love my iphone. I think if there was a fire and I could only take one object with me, it would be my iphone. I can do so much with it - take photos, store photos, send emails and messages, play games, do my banking .. yes, I wouldn't want to do without it!
I love my laptop most of all; couldn't get on without it. I love catch up tv, the internet, and video games too. On a more practical level, I love technology that improves our help, our commutes, our ability to get stuff from the supermarket when we want it - things we take for granted and don't think about. We don't see them in our daily lives, but if they were not there behind the scenes, we would definitely know they were missing.
The internet, my laptop and mp3 player (I listen to audiobooks a lot now I don't have time to read paper ones much any more), but most of all my washing machine. I think the latter has made a massive difference to women's lives. I can live without a dishwasher but washing clothes would take up almost all of my time without a washing machine.

Oh and on the subject of stuff that changed women's lives, the pill is pretty awesome too.

The washing Machine is a biggie, I'm like you...a lot of washing.
I could not live without my washer.
by jonaja
I would be lost without it.
Because unlike a lot of people my age, I am self taught, and can do just about anything on it.
You never need to be lonely, ever.

It is so much fun...you can learn so much about everything.
My 21 year old says ''Mum if anyone ask's you something you don't know...you tell them to Google it''!

I do get withdrawal symptoms, if away for a long time.Is that bad?*#! yep!
But while I have a computer.....I'm not being a pest to anyone else :)
I love my little 8" netbook by Samsung! Only recently I found out that netbooks are being made redundant and are being replaced by tablets! This is such a shame because my netbook is so versatile, doesn't get as hot as the tablets I have been exposed to and comes with a very sturdy keyboard for some solid writing sessions! Not to mention it is about 500 grams and very thin, easy to pack in its case and throw into my backpack.
My eReader! It's great to travel with, rather than having to carry around a stack of heavy books.
I love technology and would have to say my I pad as well as my PC
by Finy
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