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What sporting event do you enjoy watching live?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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sport, sporting event, live event

Do you often watch live sporting events or do you prefer to watch them in the comfort of your own home?

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Top Answers
I love watching cricket.
I prefer to watch at home, and the Cricket is one...swimming, and tennis.
I can go to the toilet, make a drink, put my feet up...Love comfort.Home is best,
for meeeee! :)
I go to many rugby league games, and I have seen many other sports live, but so far, I've not seen anything better live than basketball.
I don't like watching sport on TV. Live is OK
I like watching rugby league live, the excitement of the crowd makes it all the more enjoyable. I've never been one for watching sports on tv, so unless it's an Olympics swimming event it's very rare that I will watch sport on tv.

I don't tend to go to sporting events much, although I did buy tickets to take my son to watch an international soccer game.
I do not go to sporting events although I used to go and watch tennis live.
I hate football/rugby and yes, I know, I am one of the few in Australia) however having been brought up in a cricket mad family, I don't like cricket either although this must be a hereditary thing as my son watches exactly like my father used to.
Anyway, I do not watch sport, apart from Olympics -swimming, ice skating on TV or live.
by Finy
I love to watch ice hockey live. It's great fun.
by Vee
I love to watch ice hockey live. It's great fun.
by Vee
Equestrian only. Live, or at home.

But there's so little of it anywhere, except Royal Shows, I wouldn't be holding my breath between events!
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