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What sort of stove top do you have?

by Vee (follow)
Cooking (175)      Kitchen (39)      Appliances (18)     

stove top
Attribution: mconnors, morguefile.com

We currently have a gas stove top. like the one in the picture. It cooks so quickly; I am still getting used to it.

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I have a gas stove too. I'm not really used to it and I think I preferred having an electric one.
I think so too. Cooking is not as quick so you don't have to rush around like a mad woman. At least that is my experience, lol.
by Vee
To be honest I'm a bit scared of the gas flame too. If it doesn't come on straight away or I turn on the wrong burner there can be a bit of a whoosh of flame when I light it.
Oh I know, I don't like that.
by Vee
I have a gas stove and love it. We had an electric for a while and i hated that it could be on and you couldn't tell. I melted a number of plastic bags and containers!

I am considering changing to induction though: does anyone have one of those?
Oh crap, no fires?

My husband's grandfather has one of those induction ones. I don't know if I like it. His one in particular, I'm not sure which brand it is, turns off once it reaches a certain temperature then turns back on again when the temperature drops a bit. I don't know how much that affects cooking, but the idea is a bit weird. You've also got to be careful with the sort of appliances you use on it as well as the cleaning products you use as it scratches easily.
by Vee
I only have one of these, you plug into the wall.
Plus my microwave.
Induction. It cost a BOMB but I love it to bits and with kids I feel it's much safer since it's not hot to touch.
Maybe it's not an induction stove that I'm thinking of then. What do you mean it's not hot to touch?
by Vee
So jealous!
I would prefer a gas stove but I have an electric one at the moment.
I have an electric hob and oven. I very much prefer electric to gas, as I'm petrified of the fire risk with a gas oven and also the damage that leaking gas can do to your lungs. I also think an electric hob is easier to clean.
All good points.
by Vee
They are easier to clean, though some of them can crack if you drop a pot on them.
I have mainly Neff in my kitchen, however for the stove top I have a gas Bosch which is compact and great.
by Finy
Electric, & have had for decades.
Had gas at family home.
After having used electric for so long, wouldn't go back to gas.

glass topped electric stove top, stainless steel wall oven.
We have an electric 1, which has stopped working, We now have 1 like Jonaj's. Ours have glass plates, but I only use 1 now, as the left hand 1 is cracked. Luckily my husband hasn't noticed. I also use the microwave every evening as well. Our 2 daughters have gas. I could cook on 1 the eldest daughters 1, but not the other daughter 1. Anyway, the 2nd daughter & her partner insist on doing on the cooking when we visit, (from interstate. We just make our percolated coffee on it, when they go to work!
by Miro
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For me, this one is a no-brainer
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ID: 27781
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