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What sort of calendar or reminder system are you using this year?

by Finy (follow)
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What sort of calendar/reminder system are you using this year?

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I have had an I phone for years now and have the latest one but still do not use the reminders as I dont really know how and dont look at my mobile all that much.

I therefore still use the old fashioned way of having a small diary on my desk that I write things into.

As well as this I also put things on a reminder on my PC Windows mail and it automatically pops up and tell me at a time I choose.

I also use a similar system for reminders for birthdays and other important dates.

Without these two systems, I would be lost and would not remember half of what I have on, and what I have to do each day!

I also have two calendars on my walls -one whippet dog one where my two babies feature on one month and a David Tennant, Dr Who one but I do not write on these as they are purely for decoration to gaze at!
by Finy
I use a smart phone to remind me of my major events. I hardly ever use paper calendars.
I have always just had a nice calender on the hall wall where I pass it several times a day!! I am really vigilant about writing things I need to on these calendars and they never seem to fail me.
I do have a day-to-a-page desk calendar which is filled with amusing and also pleasing quotes and pictures,I have this downstairs near my laptop.I keep these and then have often used various pages or parts of pages when making bookmarks,as well as greeting cards for my family. I am not at all wasteful with 'stuff' like this!!!
99.9% goes on the real live desk calendar, which we refer to daily, immediate reminders go on the phone for a nice loud alarm. This morning both phones went as he had to go to the solicitor's office and I had to meet a friend and pick up a prescription. Both are handy but you can't beat a desk or wall calendar. Old habits. Haha.
by Rice
We always used the one in my pic.
But I'm not happy with the size, as we get busy less space to put things in the 5cm by 7cm sq's
for each day.
I need something twice as big!
'Week to an opening (paper) Diary'.
The same as I've used for years'.
Old habits die hard!
At least IT doesn't go 'offline' constantly like this here ITablet!
P.S. I've an AustGeog large 'Art' Calendar in my study, & various other Calendars in other rooms.
Love 'Lighthouse' & 'Unique Landscapes of Australia' ones. Buy 'Corgi' one for my son.
by donjo
I have two calendars in my home. One is mainly decorative but still conveys the date. The other calendar sits on my computer desk with all my appointments and birthdays listed so I know what's happening, day to day. I ask the rest of the family to refer to it too, when making arrangements, so they don't clash.
I have a diary in my bag. I write all appointments and important stuff in there. Works for me...
I'm totally dependent on my smart phone calendar. It is so handy to be able to pull out my phone and check dates and input events.

I can't imagine using a hardcover diary anymore!
I use my laptop diary everyday, & as I don’t have a smartphone, I always carry a small diary in my handbag which I get from the Blood Bank every December when I make my December blood donation. I have every 1 of my little diaries for every year, since I started keeping a diary in 1962, at boarding school. I also have calendar on my kitchen wall, so i can write things on that as well. Why have I always written in a diary? As a teenager, I thought the police may ask me sometime, what I was doing on such ’n such day
(NO, they never have asked me!)
P.S.: I also have a calendar on the kitchen wall to jot down things that are going to happen. My husband has 1 on his bedroom wall, that he never writes on, & then a friend gave me a bigger 1 for Christmas (Not knowing that we had the other 2!)The 1 from my friend was of 12 places in the world. I'd only had been to 9 of those countries!
by Miro
I use two, one on outlook calendar to colour code appointments, blue for training, purple for personal and red for business meetings.

I set a separate pop up reminder on my iphone for things I need to do on a certain day like pay bills etc
google and a white board
Smartphone with outlook
The ones you scribble dates on, and later wonder what you wrote?
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