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What should you pack when you go out on a day trip, including a picnic?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Travel (244)     
Usually, when you plan a day trip, it includes an interesting place to see, a pit stop for lunch break, lots of photography, coffee/tea breaks and perhaps a stop or more at scenic lookouts (if you are driving to a country destination).
What should you carry with yourself that you think might come in handy, especially if you are traveling with children and/or seniors?
What should you pack if you are going to a park for a picnic or BBQ, but plan to spend the whole day?
What kinds of foods/snacks, accessories, clothes, sporting equipment, photography equipment, etc. etc.?

day trip, picnic, pack, scenic lookout

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Binoculars can come in handy too.
Perhaps a disposable plastic table spread for the dirty picnic tables.
Extra clothes for the kids if you are going for the whole day and near water (on a recent trip to a beautiful waterfalls spot, my son slipped into the river and needed new jeans/socks right away - fortunately i had some).

My family does the same, when we spend a couple of days on the family farm, that is about an hours drive away from Goulburn. Think picnic stuff. Handy wipes, indeed. Plenty of water, and a first aid kit is essential.
I am a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl. I take action first, then think of the consequences of what I have left behind. When travelling overseas, I usually do a mental check on whether I have my passport, itinerary, credit cards, phone and camera. Those are the important things - the rest I can live without or buy when I get there.

Although when you are travelling with a child, especially a young one, you need to be a little more organised. So when travelling with junior, I make sure we have not only plenty of changes of clothes, but books, electronic games, medicine, band aids, snacks and drinks.
We enjoy packing things that are easy to eat or to make. Breads, cold meat, salads and mayonnaise. Also water. That is often forgotten which makes it a long day. Hand Wipes are also a good idea, especially if you are in the "bush". And don't forget the handy towels.
Water and lunch. Everything else is overkill...and you have to carry it.
A waterproof poncho, and mini picnic.
Not a lot - a blanket to have the picnic on.
by Finy
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