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What savings or investments do you have to ensure a secure financial future?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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savings, investment, finance, financial

Do you save every week or do you have investments to ensure you have enough money for the future?

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There is superannuation, yet being a self employed person I am glad I have a choice to not contribute. I prefer my positive cash flow investment properties - love real estate and having small mortgages on them. I also invest in shares, and rent them out for positive cash flow. My blogs are also seen as a form of investment.

20% of my income goes straight into my house, and that will be paid off in the next 1-2 years. It requires discipline and not to impress, yet I am so grateful to be in this position at such a young age. Working hard does it, as well as being frugal with your money.

How do you invest in shares & rent them out for positive cash flow??
by diama
I am constantly saving because whilst at uni I am only a casual at my work and can't afford not to if I want some peace of mind about my financial stability!
My wife and I own a rental property. It used to be our home, but when we decided to move out of the city, we thought renting would be more beneficial than selling. We are pulling in tidy profit from our rental each month and hope to one day add a second income property to the mix.
My advice is to folk still in the work force. Have the bank take out a portion of your earnings each week. Even if it is only $10 a week you will be surprised how it mounts up. At the end of the year invest it in shares or an investment account.
Nothing not a single thing. No savings but no debts. No super as i every time i get a bit stashed it's all taken away in fees. i will be working in some form until i drop dead because of this.
All I have a my home.
As far as money?
The Lottery
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