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What piece of jewellery do you always wear?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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By John Kasawa, www.freedigitalphotos.net

Is there any piece of jewellery that you always wear, no matter the outfit or occasion?

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My wedding ring and a gold chain with black beads which Hindu married women wear. I wear these two always.
I don't really wear jewellery..but there is one piece I seem to wear often. It is a necklace given by my aunt whom I admire. Outside of that...not much!
My wedding, engagement and eternity rings on my left head, and my step-grandmother's wedding ring on my right hand. She passed away many years ago, and my grandfather gave me the ring which I wore as my 'something old' on my wedding day. Since then, I've always worn it - I feel like it comes with as much love as my own wedding ring does.

I also always wear a plain gold bracelet my husband gave me. It was my first gift from him when we moved in together, and my first piece of 'proper' jewellery as well. I don't feel right without it and my rings.

Everything else is interchangeable depending on what I'm wearing/what I can be bothered putting on.
My wedding ring and chain always.Other than these, i prefer wearing something elegant and simple
I don't always wear a piece of jewellery. Before I was married I was convinced that I would always wear my wedding and engagement rings, but they are not practical when it comes to doing house work. So, I wear them and my sapphire ring when I leave the house.
by Vee
Once, I had many rings that I wore all the time.

It became difficult to work with them, so one by one they all came off.
I don't wear Jewellery, even though I have a few nice pieces.Less fuss is
what I like now.Honestly, it is not something people in my job would wear.

There are many reasons why, to many to list here.
No one single piece. It's different everyday . Even the wedding ring comes off if I feel it doesn't go with what I am wearing!
My grandfather's wedding ring, and my deceased daughters small diamond, and plain silver rings.
by Finy
A beautiful necklace that my partner got me for Christmas - it's got coins embellished with Roman calligraphy on one side and Chinese symbols on the other.
My wedding ring and engagement ring. They never come off. I don't wear much else in the way of jewellery.
Apart from my wedding ring I wear my late husband's signet ring. It is too big for me really so I wear it on my left forefinger where it sits reasonably comfortably.
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