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What makes your baby laugh and are you compelled to laugh with them?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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A Laughing Baby.
Image by vahiju via morgueFile

A baby's laugh can be absolutely infectious. They find joy in the smallest of things.

What makes your baby laugh and can you help but laugh along with them?

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My baby used to laugh quite randomly and I rarely knew why he was laughing! He was quite a solemn chap most of the time and usual things that make babies giggle, like peekaboo and tickling, would leave him looking slightly puzzled and definitely not laughing....
When something did make him laugh, he had a chuckle like a dirty old man that was so incongruous that it always made me laugh too! Rather disconcerting for anyone else near by though....
My son laughs when I make silly noises or use silly voices. He laughs so hard sometimes I laugh my head off with him.
by Vee
I always laugh at the silly things the kids laugh at! There's nothing quite as infectious as a child's laughter.
I've never had children (athough my husband has so I've not had the pleasure with my own child. There is a YouTube videa of a baby who laughs hysterically at paper being torn. It cracks me up. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=you+tube+laughing+baby&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=Nya6VKW1C8nc8AXazYDADA#q=youtube+laughing+baby+tearing+paper
One of my babies used to belly laugh when I would blow him kisses and my husband would "catch them". We would all laugh until our faces hurt. Good memories.
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