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What length dress or skirt do you prefer?

by Finy (follow)
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What dress or skirt length do you prefer currently?

#Dress length
#Skirt length
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I still prefer short however, and it is a big however as I do not wear short anymore.

I think knees get ugly with age, so I would no longer wear short skirts.

However I do not like long or even slightly long as I feel you have to be very tall to wear this length otherwise it makes you look short.

So it is over the knees for me!
by Finy
I really like midis. They're modest and feminine, and can be casual or sexy.
by Vee
OMG!! we are soooo alike lol.
by jonaja
LOL! I know! I know!
by Vee
I have not worn a skirt or dress for over 16 years!

I like pants very much.
I like full skirts, if I had to wear one.
I usually wear shorts anf capri length pants these days,so the skirts do not even get a look in anymore!!! I used to wear just below the knee in my last job,but until I was in my 40's I would wear shorter skirts.
For work I prefer to have my skirt just below the knee (although I do generally prefer to wear full length pants) and if it's a special function I prefer full length. I've never been a huge fan of short skirts.
I live just below the knee, this is the most youthful look for women my age I reckon, any longer is ageing I think and very long a nuisance!.Short not an option now....glad I wore many minis in my 20's!!!
by fran
At home in summer I love a miniskirt. When I go out I always wear long pants.
I like long maxi style dresses usually but if it's a wedding or night out etc I like shorter length dresses.
I don't mind.
I can't wear long because I'm short. I like short to mid
by AJ
I love ankle length dresses, though I often have to get them taken up because I have short legs.
I prefer pants or if I do wear skirts, below the knee. I can't stand young girls in those tight dresses which show every lump and bump and are so short they have to keep pulling them down, and if you happen to look up on an escalator cop an eyeful. I don't understand why they wear them short because they must be freezing.
Both ! Depends on the occasion , weather and mood :) I can't wear short dresses when it is cold. I am just not comfortable.
by BK
Hmm...I've been saying for about the last twenty years that I'll wear skirts again when I get my waist back. I think it's about time I accepted that it ain't gonna happen :(
:) you and me both! LOL
by jonaja
Knee length is so much more flattering, and knees are not attractive body parts.
For pencil skirts a split on the side is very flattering (& tantalising).

Australia has possibly the world's worst dressed "teen feems" (teenage females). Hordes of dumpy, lumpy teen feems parade with their bulges oozing out of too-tight clothes, and the tall, leggy teen feems strut in ruff-cut shorts up to their crotch.

These days if I wear a skirt it's just below the knee or midi length. I don't like to wear maxi skirts now but I used to like them. Mini skirts were fine when I was a teenager. I usually wear some type of full length pants.
Full length as I am in a wheelchair I feel it's modest to have my legs and in particular my ankles covered so that ☺️🌼🌼
I prefer skirts mid calf or longer. As long as they are not too full, my privacy is ensured. Also, if needed, I can tuck the skirt up between my legs and into the waist band for more privacy or activities where my legs need to be free (such as bicycle riding).
You're game. I wouldn't even think to wear a skirt while riding a bike, lol.
by Vee
Don't wear dresses or skirts & haven't done so for over 30 years!
Much prefer Bermuda shorts, slacks, slack suits, short culottes suits. MUCH more comfortable for me!
I like my 17 dresses, to be just below my knees. All my older 3/4 length dresses, I only wear around the house in summer, I also have 1 lovely 3/4 length skirt that I wear out. And your so right, delbr, about the teens. I couldn’t have written that better my self, & every day I’m out & about I see them, just like you describe! It’s an awful sight isn’t it?! The teems certainly have a mind of their own, when it comes to ‘fashion’ What are they thinking? Do they ever look at them selves in a full length mirror, before leaving the house???
I am short and slim so I find the best length for me is just a tad above the knee. Gives the clothes a better line and avoids the "dowdy" look.
Lovely to see a woman wearing a nice dress or skirt just above the knee, and not up around their ar*e.
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