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What kitchen gadget do you want for Christmas?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Garlic press

Sure, they may not always be needed, and sometimes you end up with a drawer full of them, but sometimes a gadget in the kitchen can bring so much joy with it's repeated use or with just how nicely it cuts your food.

What gadgety, gimmicky kitchen helper would you like to be given as a Christmas gift and why?

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I have seen a multi-peeler kitchen gadget that has caught my eye. It is a 5 in 1 peelr that peels in different ways.
A new mixer. I would like one to prepare deserts during Christmas. It is tiring doing everything manually.
Oh! anep, you'd need a huge one to prepare 'deserts'! Maybe you mean 'DesSerts'? Those yummy creations of all things sugary wicked at Xmas! Cheers!
by donjo
None! Christmas isn't about gadgety, gimmicky kitchen helpers! Haha.
by Vee
You know, I would love a meat mincer. But then I question how many time I would use it. But I would put that on my kitchen gadget list! ;)
I know what you mean! I have had things
in the past that end up lurking at the bottom
of a cupboard until I have a clean out and
give them away.
I definitely don't need any kitchen gadgets for Christmas! I'm moving house soon and trying to reduce the stuff I have, not acquire more. I'm not a big fan of gadgets anyway. They take up space and most of them don't get used much.
I'd like a small vegetable dicer. At the moment I have to either use a large food processor or a cheese grater, neither of which are ideal.
Good question. Definitely a toaster. I've been so slack to buy one. Have the gourmet jams - just need the main machine.
I would really like a new stick mixer. My old
one died a few months ago and I miss it more
than I ever expected. But this time I want a
really powerful one so I can do kale smoothies
without drinking down lumps of kale!
An electric knife. That would be an awesome gadget to have in the kitchen. Because it's great for cutting Christmas ham.
None. Boring xmas present.
Nothing please. There's nothing we really need, and there's no room either
I would like the gadget that makes yoghurt look like soft serve.
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