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What kind of shoes do you like wearing?

by Justine Crowley (follow)
Independent Business Consultant, Doctor, HubGarden Editor and Author/Publisher of four self help books: www.smashwords.com/profile/view/JustineCrowley
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shoes, what shoes do you like wearing, what type of shoes do you like wearing
All different kinds of women's shoes in the picture

You might be a high heels kind of lady. On the other hand, you might prefer flat shoes or thongs. What shoes do you like wearing the most and why?

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Sensible shoes. Comfortable shoes. Ones you can walk in.

I don't go for high heels or flats as both hurt my feet. I will usually go for velcro because they are quick and easy to put on. The one exception is with my Timberland hiking books, which are good for wet weather.

My main pair of shoes are men's. I usually prefer the look of men's shoes, but sometimes I can't get a size small enough.

I almost always alway buy my shoes from Hotter, because they do extra wide fittings.
Although I'm short, I prefer flats because I know for a fact that I won't sprain my ankle by wearing heels. Also, because I'm clumsy. :P
Definitely flatties, slip on shoes in summer and in winter boots. I gave away all my high heels when I left the corporate world. Funnily enough I tried on a pair of high heels in a shop a few weeks ago and I nearly broke my leg trying to walk in them.
Just like me when I left the corporate world - those black high heels are now gone! Pity the suits are still in my wardrobe, and I have not worn them for over two years now...
Flat shoes especially ballet flats because even though I am a Stay At Home Grandma I am on my feet a lot.
I like boots with a small heel, as well as ballet flats. Thongs in summer are great too. Mainly flat shoes. Usually leave for heels for when going out.
Flats have always seemed to be something my feet can only tolerate!
Heels do too much damage to feet.
Who ever invented high heels was slightly sadistic....in my opinion .lol
Flats for sure. In summer, I just love wearing thongs because they are so comfortable, but if I'm going somewhere nice and want to dress up I wear pretty sandals. In winter, I have a great pair of flat boots that go everywhere with me and a pair that look like ballet shoes but aren't.
Sandals in summer, Doc Marten boots in the winter. I usually have one pair of each and wear them until they fall apart. I have some heels for formal occasions but I find them uncomfortable and impractical.
Thongs! Plain and simple. You can just slip them on, they won't harm your feet, your feet can breathe and get a bit of a tan, plus you can buy really pretty ones!
I like the ones that nature gifted me the best! But next to that my lawn bowls shoes,they are very supporting, breathe well,a generous fitting.I find well after bowls have finished I still have them on my feet . Otherwise cumfy ,lower heal shoe's.
High heels all the way!
I like to wear running shoe . Running shoes are kind and gentle on my feet . A good pair of running shoes will also make my foot feel lighter is because of how well it takes to the shape of my foot.
I'm an all comfort girl! At the moment I have ugg boots on as I've been on my feet since 6am this morning and now it's 4.20pm. I wear shoes similar to joggers and have done so every day of my life. If I'm going out I wear short heels or more recently flats which look good with 3/4 pants.
Flats and sports shoes. High heels are only for special occasions when I am required to dress up. Other than that, I will stick to the more comfortable choice.
Hush Puppies. Comfy, soft, and offer support.
None but when I need to I prefer running shoes or if its very hot I use my thongs or my crocs.

I live in Birekenstocks. Comfortable and not technically thongs...just.
Flat shoes are most comfortable, although I like wearing heels when I go to a fancy party.
In the colder weather, I can't go past my black boots. I've had them for nearly three years and they're falling apart, but are just as comfortable as they've ever been.
by Vee
Soft one with flat sole is the most comfortable. The type of shoe for most of tmy occassions..!!
Now days they need to be flat and comfortable. Had years of wearing high heals but not any more.
Naot sandals
I love flat bottom shoes
I love flat bottom shoes
I hav e a pair of steal toecaps for work, Crocks for gardening and collection of Birkenstock. All practical shoes. I hate flip-flops and cheap shoes
Flat shoes, definitely. I wear high heels (well, not that high) from time to time, but I prefer the comfortable ones. I wouldn't give away my feet's comfort for anything in the world.
I love to wear runners because they're so comfy!

Although the social situations where I can wear them are somewhat limiting...
I wear comfortable shoes. For me this means a wide shoe, often a men's shoe.I don't find thongs comfortable. I don't like heavy shoes. I do like to look at those pretty girlie high heels in all sorts of colours, but I just look.
Flats mainly
Used to have heaps of beautiful high & medium heels, as attended many social functions.

Wore 'flat ties' to work, for comfort.

Now 'walking-type' shoes for around shopping-centre, to support my feet.

Live in my RM's in Winter. Have both black & tan ones. Soooo comfortable!

comfortable flat ones nowadays
by Finy
I used to wear a range of coloured thongs in summer, but now as I'm in my late 60's I finding them uncomfortable. I've never liked wearing heels, so it's flats for me also. Recently I've started wearing Sketches & they are so comfortable. (They have a sole like a jogger) I have about 7 pairs of them now. I'd like to find a decent pr of pretty black leather ballet flats. In winter I wear short length black boots.
by Miro
I like flat heeled shoes.I wear them for walking.
Something that is absolutely comfortable. I have never bought the ones that looked amazing and killed my feet.
I like wearing shoes that provide comfort to my feet.These days I am wearing medium heels.They are good as they protect my feet from dirty things on road or elsewhere.
My favourite pair of shoes of all time are a pair of Crocs sandals. They are so comfortable, and really hardwearing. You can rinse them off when dirty and even walk through water with them. Sadly they no longer make the style I have but I don't think I'll ever need to replace them at this rate anyway.
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