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What kind of lunch box do you buy your kids?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
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Some kids insist on buying fancy lunch boxes and bottles, most of which are lost before the end of the first term.There are so many to choose from when it comes to buying a lunch box and a bottle for our kids to take to school. Prices ranging from as little as $3.50 to even $20 to $30. Would you buy them off a supermarket shelf for cheap or spend some money on buying something fancy?

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For the little people, it's good if they can have something special.All the politics
that's go's on, at lunch time in the playground has an impact.
And it will never change, sadly.
In fact.... it is one of the defining places, in a child's life (the playground).
If a parent can afford to buy a fancy one, do it.

It's not about what we think, it's about our children being accepted, by some that can say very nasty things.
If I had my way....and was a school principal, I would make sure all parents just bought plain plastic see-thru,snap on.$4 types, so everyone was Equal.

All this started 40 years ago, and it has become a bit of a pain,for parent and child.
I was given a very hard time when in school, because plastic boxes and drink bottles were just the rage.
My mother gave me no drink bottle ever,and wrapped my sandwich up in the paper from the loaf of bread! I never fitted in, because other kids could see.
Today, we try to stop our children being treated differently, and rightly so.
So a nice lunch box, is a must...no matter what we think.
I wouldn't spend too much because kids would lose them anyway. Do make sure it's BPA free and I let the kids pick what designs they want. We also get stainless steel drink bottles for water.
I buy them one big one so they can just use sandwich bags.
Those bananas in pyjamas lunch boxes are a good tub size.
I usually buy lunch box of his favourite cartoon charecter.
I always buy the zip up insulated ones, which you can put a frozen brick in to keep everything cool.
I don't like storing food in plastic if I can help it for health reasons so my kids have stainless steel lunchboxes. They're a bit more expensive, so I can see that that might be a problem if your child was taking them to school where they might lose them (though we do have ours labelled so I hope we'll get them back if they lose them, and my kids don't go to school). They're pretty much indestructible so they last for ages and they're easy to clean and don't have anything nasty like BPA or lead in them.
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