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What kind of home do you like?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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What style of house do you prefer? Do you like modern builds, open plan, period homes, country cottages, barn conversions? Do you live in a house that suits your style, or would you rather live in a different type of home?

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I like old sandstone places that seem to have a bit of magic about them. Gives me tingles!
I love the house we had built, following as many environmentlal ticks as we could. It wasn't too big, lots of long north facing windows, more than the required insulation, tiles on the living area that warmed in winter,
pergola covered with vine, trees that shaded in summer (i lay on the bed while my patient husband placed them in the right position (no, a bit to the left,yes, step back a bit), I never buy in block (altho i found Ikea did suit a smaller house), and never a house without books. The house was in the hills, cold winters, but hardly any energy bills any season. (oh, and I dont like colorbond fences,
wire, covered in easy care vines that let the cool breezes through. I like homes that are individual, often when $ are few we become more inventive.
I wouldn't mind living in a villa in Italy, a chateau in France or a bungalow in Bali, but our post war home with a rambling garden suits just fine for now.
by Lucy
My own home. :) It's not too big, not too small and has a veranda and a nice big yard I can grow stuff in. I think if I had unlimited funds to play with it would be nice to buy a Queenslander, with the high ceilings, ornate fretwork over the doors, wooden floorboards etc. They're so comfortable to live in and they have a bit of history to them.
I'm currently in an apartment but someday I would love to have a traditional brick-type cottage with a backyard (and a dog and cat). Modern architecture is pretty to look at but they tend to get outdated fast, so I prefer the older buildings and post-war structures with a rich history.
I live in a 1930s build that has only ever beeb owned by members of my family. For that reason, I love it to bits. My favourite style of house, however is Tudor, at least from the outside of the building, where you have all the beam work. Inside the ceilings tend to be too low.

I don't like modern style houses as I think they lack character, and I hate open plan.
I like Californian Bungalows with big backyards. There's plenty
of room for lots of people and pets.
If I had the money this would be my home....I love it.
I like the modern kind of houses with a touch of vintage, if that makes sense. Looks secure, modern from the outside, but inside, has a more home-y feel to it, with plants, lots of fresh sunlight lighting up the room and bright colours.
My hubby just designed our new home that we hope to build soon. It's a new house but in an old heritage style. I like homes with character and not those ultra-modern glass boxes with no personality
I prefer spacious apartments.
I love period homes, or those funky kinds that you see on television. Not too modern though, some of those homes look to cold and clinical.
by Vee
Doesn't matter, any home which is filled with a loving, functional family works for me.
That works for me.
Well done.
by Zen
the house witch is your HOME!
I really wouldn't want any 'witche's' in my home! Lol!
by donjo
To me it would be more about the performance than the look.
I would like a well insulate house, with thermal mass, low energy cost, good cross ventilation and a good amount of daylight.
place this in the middle of the city, with a brilliant amount of privacy and I am happy.
A big, low-set spacious one, with lots of cupboard space!
I tend to like the older, warmer type homey atmosphere homes. I like the cottage style homes with a fireplace and lots of wood involved. If I had my choice I would love to move back to Croatia where I was born and live in the beauty of nature there with just a small little house close to the beautiful sea there.
single storey
by Finy
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