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What is your signature dish?

by Carly (follow)
Food (698)     
A signature dish refers to a an item of food for which a chef, restaurant, or even a region or country is well know; Adriano Zumbo has the macaron, the Waldorf Astoria Hotel has the Waldorf salad, and Spain has paella.

Waldorf salad - apples, celery and walnuts served on a bed of lettuce. Image by Hennem08 via Wikipedia

For us mere mortals, a signature dish is the one that you can make blindfolded, the one that people beg you to bring when you're asked to bring a plate. Do you have a signature dish? What is it?

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Mine is less of a dish and more of a bake. I am pretty good at making bread, and my mum always looks forward to my wholemeal or rye loaves. My mum's signature dish is her rice pudding. No one can do rice pudding liker her. It is very simple, with just rice, milk, and sugar, but it does not need any other fancy ingredients.

Out of our entire family, there is only one person we really consider to have a true signature dish though, and that i my grandpa's sponge cake. It is a Boxing Day must. Unlike most people that need to bake three separate cakes, my grandpa's sponge rises so high, he has to slice it into three. He then sandwiches them together with apricot jam, smothers it with cream, and decorates with chocolate drops and cherries. Hugh as a house, but light as feather.
I would say crispy pork belly, it's as crispy as you can get and even better than the ones you get from the shops (what my family says if they are telling the truth). The ones from our local shops are also really good (sometimes) but it's never consistently made.
by WSW
My lasagne, which is based on a recipe from Silver Spoon (bible of Italian cooking) but is a vegetarian version using mock mince - believe it or not, most people can't tell the difference!
I make a very unusual Salad.

But if I told you....then it would no longer be my signature dish! now would it.
It has them coming back for more, put it that way.

Very Very Health, and great to look at...and no you wouldn't be able to guess.
It took years to come up with this baby!
It is a tricky question to answer. It all depends on the cuisine, and if you're focusing on a particular restaurant - what items are available on the menu. My brother makes some mean dumplings.
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