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What is your relationship with money?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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Image by Martin Kingsley via Wikimedia Commons

Some people are good at earning money. Some people are good at saving money while some are good at spending. Some people take pride in never spending a penny.

What is your relationship with money?

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I don't earn a lot of money, and I am not the kind of person who ever will. I do save my money responsibly, and never spend more than I can afford. If there is something I want to spend a lot of money on, then I will make sure to save up.
I believe I have a healthy relationship with money. I usually try to adhere to the golden rule of spend less than what you earn. I never intend to live on credit. But i do have occasional lapses when I engage in extensive shopping sprees. Otherwise I am quite good with money. After all it is quite hard to earn money so why waste it.
Quite healthy. Money is a tool to serve and gives you more choices. Love the flow in as well as the flow out equally. Never have any money problems anymore. If you can, pay cash for everything.
We're on speaking terms. I hope I always have enough of it that my family and I never go hungry, have a place to sleep and the odd bit of fun stuff to do.
There is an Art to Money.

How you master that art...is something else.

I have to say, I watch all the small stuff e.g. ''Do I spend that extra dollar or not''.

If you know what $1 will buy today....you can have a healthy attitude to money.
That is how I handle my money....It all comes down to that $1.

I look at a piece of meat in the supermarket and it is $8, I see what
$1 would look like..Same with fruit and veg.

After a while I know if I am able to get the best value.

Because everything is expensive , I think the majority of people take a sober look, where their money go's.
I let it build up in the background by way of regular $20/fortnight deductions from my pay. By the time it reaches around $5000 I usually find a family member or friend that needs it. Then I'll purchase something for them. My big buys so far have been 2 x 2nd hand cars, one for a friend in need and one for my 2nd cousin who had to rely on his mother driving him to his jobs.
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