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What is your pet hate?

by chipp (follow)
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There are those things that just irritate you. Sometimes it is the small things that irritate you the most. What is your pet hate?

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Selfish, inconsiderate and unkind people. Last week I was at Wet N Wild on the Gold Coast. As it is still the school holidays, the place was packed. Many people grabbed as many chairs as they could and placed their bags on top of them to save them, even though they didn't intend to use them. I noticed one group of people had about 8 chairs and most of them were not being used. I asked if I could have one of their chairs. They told me I couldn't as they were using them. For the next couple of hours I sat on a step, while the chairs were being occupied by their bags. In the whole time that I was there, the maximum number of people that sat on the chairs were 3, the rest of the chairs were not being used.
that is just plain rude!
by pfuit
People who smoke in no smoking areas.
Bad Drivers!
They can do soooooooo much damage, & they are out there.They cut you off.
They speed right up the back of you, and some even go fast... to stop in a split second, and they have road rage!
Screaming, hanging out the window.....giving the finger, and the list go's on and on and on and on!

People who push in when lining up for something. We all have more important things to do than stand in a line. Wait your turn!
Somebody leaving the toothpaste cap off.
People who serve you in shops who don't say 'please' and 'thank you'.
Selfish, rude and inconsiderate people. People that take things for granted and rip people off. Draining and negative people too.
Bad manners and inconsideration. I also can't stand it if someone does not wash their hands after going to the toilet or before preparing food!
bad spelling including words with an apostrophe - i.e. it's (it is) and its being misused. Spell check is available on most computers. Bad language is another when people use it on Facebook or in conversation in public places with no consideration that some people might be offended by the use of certain swear words.
ONE of my pet hates is people who walk their dogs and let them "poo" on the street and do not pick it up.
I regularly have deposits on my front lawn and wonder why people cannot take 30 seconds to clean up after their dogs, as the law says you must.
by Finy
People who don't know how to spell!
by Vee
Oh my gosh! People who ....
- cough or sneeze without covering their mouth.
- asking for something, particularly help, without saying please or thank you.
- who chew their food with their mouth open, or scrape the fork along their teeth.
- who spit on the street/ground, that's just discusting!

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