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What is your opinion on which came first -the chicken or the egg?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Which do you think came first -the chicken or the egg?

#Chicken or egg
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Egg, no question.

Eggs first formed in species that existed millions of years before chickens, so eggs well predate chickens.

The first creature we would recognise as a chicken would have emerged from an egg.
by Ben
be that as it may -how could a chicken evolve out of the egg of a different creature that was not yet there?
by Finy
Gradually over time. The same way that all bird species would have evolved out of some progenitor species, and the same way humanity evolved gradually from general apes.
by Ben
Ben has it right. Over a long period of time, animals changed slightly until a chicken emerged from the egg. The animal that laid the egg that hatched the chicken? It would have looked similar to a chicken, but wasn't quite there yet. It would be like how a dog that is half border collie half german shepherd wouldn't look exactly like a german shepherd, or a border collie, but you could see the resemblance.
Even the first chicken wouldn't have looked like the chickens we have now. Because we have cultivated them and manipulated their evolution, they have changed quite significantly.
But going back far enough, there would be an animal that didn't lay eggs. That animal would look very different from a chicken. Eventually there were reptiles that started laying eggs, then those reptiles' offspring eventually popped out with feathers. After a long period of time, a chicken popped out.
Conclusion: the egg came first, and it came out of something that wasn't a chicken.
I agree with Ben. He said it better than I could, but this is my opinion too.
by annfi
This question is such a common one and no one has yet solved it!

I think it must be the chicken as how else would the egg have got there.
But if it is the chicken, how did the chicken get there?

Perhaps it is actually a question that has no answer....
by Finy
Common sense tells you the chicken came first, else how would the egg exist...of course another chicken came out of the egg then...huh...just got lost thinking about it..
by fran
Scientific proof that shows that the chicken came first," says: Dr. Colin Freeman, from Sheffield University's Department of Engineering Materials...
by jonaja
I think it must be the egg - evolution is an amazing thing!
by AJ
hahaha, This is really GOOD question.
I don't know the answer. -_-

No other answer to me makes any sense.
p.s............British researchers say the chicken must have come first as the formation of eggs is only possible thanks to a protein found in the chicken’s ovaries.
How did the chicken get here....that's simple.

GOD :)
by jonaja
But how did God get here?
by Jawnin
The egg as it is the beginning of the chicken. I think to say the chicken came first is like saying a baby can happen without a womb.
I think neither came first - the chicken and egg as we know them are the result of millions of years of evolution. I don't think we'll ever know exactly how life started or how it ended up splitting off into so many different species.
It depends
EGG. Chicken evolved from other egg laying animals, therefore, the Egg was first.
I never really cared. Knowing won't benefit me in any way.
GOD was before all things, non created.
by jonaja
I've been trying to decide for years. I'll look up & see what Google says about this very important matter.
by Miro
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