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What is your most frustrating task?

by chipp (follow)
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While writing this question I spend 12 hours trying to upload this image. It was, by far, the most frustrating task. What is your most frustrating task?

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I can totally relate to that! Absolutely frustrating indeed!

For me - it's paper work. I have to do lots of it for my current placement and am finding it extremely frustrating with a passion!
Cleaning the shower....the grout and the glass. Hate the job! Also cleaning the car which you can tell I hardly ever get round to if you look at the state of the inside of my car. I regularly find technology frustrating too.
Washing dishes, cleaning and dusting.
Cleaning the bathroom as well as working 18 hour days in front of the computer sometimes.
I think you deserve an award!! :)

You win, I would have stopped at 1 hour.I never let things make me that frustrated.
I find emptying the dishwasher frustrating, though why i don't quite know.
I sometimes get frustrated when searching on Google as there are so many answers, and so often they are irrelevant or not what I am looking for.
by Finy
To me, cleaning the cat litter trays. Everything stinks to high heaven. One practically needs a Hazmat suit on!

Unfortunately, my cat was born & reared as a 'house' cat by someone else. Not allowed outside. I'd previously always allowed my cats outside during the day, but locked-in at night. Their 'overnight' litter tray was hardly ever used.

Hate it when this ITablet goes 'off-line', which it frequently does, & of course, at THE most inconvenient time! So much time is wasted!
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