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What is your idea of a 'healthy snack'?

by mandi (follow)
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snacks, healthy snacks

What do you consider a healthy snack?

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An apple, strawberries, carrot sticks with salsa, date and walnut balls which taste like chocolate, yoghurt and nuts are all healthy snacks I consider.
Raw carrots and celery. Pieces of fruit as fine too (including the humble apple) as it contains natural sugars.
I love sundried tomato rice cakes with low fat cottage cheese, alfalfa sprouts and tomato with a little salt & pepper. Delicious!
Anything that is not deep friend or mass produced. Fruit, veggies, etc. However, I do snack on crackers and cheese which does not quite fit into the health department...and to equal the odds I add some tomato in there somewhere! LOL
I always come back to these, they will never let me down.
Can go with me, and easy to eat.Nature at it's best.
A fruit salad or some nuts.
Well they say chocolate has all the main ingredients - protein, fat and carbohydrates. LOL Outside of that I love fruit!
I find it hard to go past yoghurt. A good organic one, you can have it plain, with fruit or with muesli. Sometimes satisfies a sweet craving too, but I won't say it always does because there are occasions when nothing but a piece of chocolate will do!
Raw vegies
some times I eat dehydrated fruit if we have any,I like yoghurt as well, and I do enjoy bananas as well as blueberries.
I'd put fresh fruit at the top of the list and natural yoghurt.
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ID: 9686
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