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What is your go-to movie when you're feeling down?

by DanyaS (follow)
Movies (53)      Films (11)      Cheering Up (1)     

Movie Snacks
Source: Pixabay.com

We all have a favourite movie that never fails to put a smile on our faces when we need it most.

What is your go-to movie when you're looking for that pick-me-up?

#Cheering Up
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Top Answers
Nil. I rather listen to some music and strum my guitar.
Moonstruck and/or While You Were Sleeping . . . and if it's a full sized downer . . . Truly, Madly, Deeply as well, then I can bawl my eys out and realise that I'm an idiot and life's not that bad after all. LOL
by Rice
Personally, it's hard for me to choose one, but I would generally go for a classic comedies or movies from my childhood when I need a pick-me-up.
I go back to what I loved when young and The Flintstones does it every single time for me.
LOVED THEM and Still do!
A child at heart.
I'd rather listen to music!

BUT the movie I love to watch, at anytime is:

I prefer comedies at any time. Anything with a happy ending makes me feel good. Love Actually or Mamma Mia are happy movies, but I don't have any particular one movie that I choose. I think Love Actually would be it, if I had to choose one. Always think of that Arrivals gate with all those happy people, and it makes you feel good.
Singing in the Rain
I'm with others on this one, I would rather listen to some music, whatever is on Hope 103.2 to be sure. If I'm in need of a pick-me-up, Hope does is it for me.
by Vee
The original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre." It reminds me that I don't have it so bad... it could be worse, I could be being chased by a freak in a woman suit wielding a chainsaw.
The original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre." It reminds me that I don't have it so bad... it could be worse, I could be being chased by a freak in a woman suit wielding a chainsaw.
I dont have one
by Finy
I'm never feeling down, which is just as well, as I don't have a favourite movie to watch if I was feeling down.
by Miro
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