What is your favourite way to eat pesto?
What is your favourite way to eat pesto? And do you have a favourite brand or make your own?
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I love to make my own and serve it like Bruschetta.
By the spoonful, I love it!
Though I don't think I could eat as much as you show in your photo, Lizzi....
Stirred into pasta or noodles it is heavenly :)
I know Verity! I made this one specifically for a recipe on healthy hints so I thought I'd serve it all up. It was a really basil-y batch and was way too much! Although I do love pesto and do eat more than a "recommended serving".
Well that's one advantage of sneaking spoonfulls out of the jar.... no-one knows exactly how much you've eaten :)
Just as the picture shows, with pasta.
We often will make a slice of toast, then put a little on the toast, with salted ripe tomato.
Very nice for lunch.
Or with pasta.
Or yep! even in a stew, a little bit go's a long way!
I'm not even sure whar pesto is - I will have to find out.
i normally makes my own pesto, i love it with spaghetti but only with a bit more ingredients like some cream and tomato sauce mix together etc.
I love pesto and plan to try out your recipe. I have made it myself once before a long time ago and ate it stuffed in cherry tomatoes, which was very good.
I LOVE pesto! I have recently started making my own
Recipe here. I love pesto as a dip for crackers or on pasta and I always have more than a recommended serving!
NOT at all!
Makes me quite ill!
I like it stirred through home made gnocchi or on toast with avocado.I usually make my own.
No way. Hate it! It makes me nauseous, so stay as far away from it as possible!
I am the same as (lynep) I love pesto storred through gnochi and also on italian or vegetarian pizza, yum yum yum ;- )
we use it on pizza, spread over the base.
And the kids love it in cous cous
Pesto potato salad its lovely :-)
I love my pesto though spaghetti, & on my salmon cutlet. I buy what ever flavour Aldi is selling, The roast tomato & basil ones, mostly. If there are other flavours, i'll buy those as well. I might try it in scrambled eggs sometime.
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