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What is your favourite way to drink coffee?

by Finy (follow)
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What is your favourite type of coffee when at a cafe?

#Favourite coffee
#Types of coffee
#Cafe coffee
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I mostly have the same as I have at home with my cappuchino machine - a skinny flat white.

Very occasionally have a latte but 9 out of 10 times, I have a flat white.
by Finy
I mostly order a skinny flat white. Sometimes I will order a cappuccino
by AJ
I always order a skinny flat white, one sugar. Every now and then I'll get fancy and have something else - I can highly recommend the coffee club's rocky road mocha for a very decadent treat!
I haven't had coffee
for over 50 years....
I like the flavour of coffee but am no aficionado. I mostly drink it to keep me awake/alert when I need to work so hot/cold/white/black doesnt matter to me.
by Gia
I rarely do, but if I'm going to have a coffee I like Turkish coffee, black and strong.
I love coffee, and I love cafes! I usually order a flat white, which I have with only a tiny bit of sugar, or sometimes none at all, if I'm confident in the quality and flavour of the coffee.
Black with separate cold milk so that the desired amount can be added.
I do not like coffee at all! I am a leaf-tea drinker!!
I drink cappuccino. Occasionally I try something different but the next time I'll be back to cappuccino.
Capuchino with no sugar. Occasionally flat white.
Either Cappucino, or Muggachino!
Sometimes, Mocchachino!

It really depends on my 'mood', & what I'm possibly going to eat with it!
Skinny cappuccino ...was skinny flat white but changed. Flat white was making me feel sick. Don't feel nauseous at all with cappuccino ... Don't understand why it makes a difference..
My preference is generally a cappuccino, but quite often I like a long iced coffee also - very refreshing.
by jsmw
I don't like coffee
Caterers Blend Instant Coffee.
Before pods came along, I used to ground up the beans & have it in a pot. I've never had instant coffee. Pod coffee while I'm home, & always a latte when I'm in a cafe.
by Miro
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