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What is your favourite type of music?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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country music, blanche
Image from Photo: Obrez - Wikimedia Commons

What type of music do you like to listen to best? Rock, reggae, rap, or the more traditional forms such as classical and opera? Do you prefer bands or solo artists? Singing or simply instrumental?

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I love just about all types of music and listen to an eclectic mix, everything from Dolly Parton to the Beatles to Alice in Chains. My absolute favourite music would be the classic hits from the sixties and seventies, when music was music, it was original and unformulated and makes you feel good.
Something that is soothing to the soul. Could be instrumental, sort of like nature sounds, etc.
I like music from the 1960s/70s too, but I think I if I had a particular decade that is my favourite, it would be 40s/50s wartime swing.

I do morn the arrival of rap and R&B. I'm not sure when that began to become more popular, but I absolutely can't stand the stuff. Apart from that, I am also pretty eclectic when it comes to genres. I have a cupboard full of CDs from just about every style. I think my absolute favourite would probably be alternative rock, which is a bit of an escape card really, because 'alternative' can pretty much mean anything. Among my favourite alternative bands are The Cranberries, which is an Irish group from the 1990s, who got back together again a few years ago. I also like The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Blue October and Conjure One. As for solo singers, Bonnie Tyler is brilliant. I also love Dido's early albums.
Chill out, and some of the current tracks. Not into R&B, Heavy Metal, Hip Hop or Rap. Also like Alternative music.
I listen to most music (other than R&B, hip hop and rap) but I probably like pop music the most, just because it's generally so upbeat.
I like RnB, Soul, Reggae, Dance and even a little Hip Hop. I love the fact that I can have hundreds of songs on my iPhone and can choose any type of music depending on my mood at the time.
I like all kinds of music but with a heavy leaning towards rap, the last couple of years. Infact I was meant to see T.I tonight but it got cancelled. :(
Of all music I love.
The other 25% I hate.(Heavy metal ect).
Got a wide variety from opera to heavy metal. Loving my 80's power ballads. Love a band stripped back to acoustic nice an clean
Certainly gospel music, jazz and some souls.
Classical, Light Classical, mid to late '50's, the 60's, especially 'surfing' music, various Musicals, Swing era, Flamenco.

Subscribe to QSO, QPO, ACO, ABO, Sthn X Soloists', Camerata of St John's.

My music 'tastes' keep me 'well tuned'!
Love 60s music (my era).

However, also like some classical, some light opera, jazz and swing. Surprisingly, although I don't like rap music there is the odd one which I find pretty good.

Overall, I would say my taste in music is fairly catholic.
Mostly Rock 'n Roll! The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Roy Orbinson, Lennard Cohan, opera, music from musicals, Abba, & most of the 60's & 70's! It's too late now, (at 12.40am,) to try & think of other kinds of music I may like.
by Miro
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