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What is your favourite type of mushroom?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you have a favourite type of mushroom?

#Favourite mushroom
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I actually cannot really tell the difference with mushrooms - once cooked, they all seem to taste the same though some of the rarer ones have a different texture.
I generally buy the cup mushrooms, though this week bought the Swiss brown and portabello as well as was making a mushroom and cheese open pastry (which was very yummy!).
by Finy
That sounds lovely. I never see that many varieties in my local supermarket.
Shiitake mushrooms for sure
Portabello are my favourites. I love to get a couple of really big ones and fry them in a pan with butter like a steak. Yum, yum!!
by Rice
I love the little cup mushrooms that don't show their gills yet. I love how firm they are when you're slicing them
I LOVE all mushrooms. In particular I enjoy Enoki just for something different. However they aren't at my local supermarket, so I don't tend to eat them very often.
There are at our supermarket/fruit shops however they are all imported from either China or Thailand, and I will not buy vegetables from either of these countries.
by Finy
Well, I am not that adventurous in my exploration of mushrooms. They all taste much the same to me, so I buy mainly button mushrooms or shitake. Nothing too glamourous. I am not a gourmet, but perhaps a gourmet could educate me on the difference in taste between the different types of mushrooms. My palate is content with all types of.mushrooms. No favourites!!
I ate Portabello mushrooms at a restaurant yesterday- they were beautiful.I will buy them when I see them. My supermarket used to have several varieties, but not anymore.
My husband cannot eat mushrooms any more, but he loves them consequently I only cook them for myself when he is away.
I haven't been brave enough to try other types of mushrooms as I wasn't sure they were fresh when I did see them in the shop.
I love the huge dark Field Mushrooms which we would go picking in the fields when I was a kid in Victoria!! I have even had some of these growing up here in Nth Qld, which I would pivk on my way to work after a night of rain! YUMM!!!! Oh!! Silly me!!! I have just now discovered that these are indeed the Portabello ones mentioned by other readers!!! Mum would braise these with onions salt, black pepper and wine: either red or white, whichever was available to cook with at the time! She would also make a delicious soup with similar ingredients but the addition of cream would really make the flavours hum!
I like mushrooms but I have never thought about my favourite type. I buy just plain button mushrooms a lot so maybe that's my favourite
by AJ
My favourite type of mushrooms are the button mushrooms.
We only shop at 1 supermarket, & they only sell the common button mushroom, so they're the ones I use in my recipes. so I don't think I've tasted any other ones.
by Miro
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