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What is your favourite type of apple?

by Finy (follow)
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What is your favourite type of apple?

#Favourite apple
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That is an easy question for me as I always buy Pink Lady apples.
They are sweet, yet have a tang - they are always firm (if you buy at a good fruit shop), and they are just delicious (no pun intended!)

Last week my favourite fruit shop did not have any, so had to get others and nowhere near as good.
by Finy
I like most apples. My favorites are fuji and granny smith
by AJ
Granny Smith apples
I prefer pink lady apples, as they are nice and sweet.
Pink Lady every time :)
Granny Smith, then Bramley's. Those are the only two I particularly like.
Pink Ladies for eating & Granny Smith's for cooking..
by Miro
Granny Smith. I rember when growing we didn't have anywhere near the choice of apples so it was Johnathon ar Granny Smith, the latter we sometimes ate with a sprinkle of salt. When we visited my Great Aunt who lived in the Blue Mountains she had a crab apple tree in the backyard and it was a treat to enjoy these apples.
what is a crab apple?
by Finy
It's a very small apple. A few bites and it's gone. Flavour was lovely though. Crisp and sweet.
by helga
Mmmmmmm. Crab apples .. . . . mmmmmm.
by Rice
I really enjoy a perfect Golden Delicious, but these do not seem to have a very prolific season! So I then tend to go for Pink Lady or Fuji, though a good crisp Granny Smith is so perfect to cook with!
I adore the Pink Lady, Fuji and Jazz apples but oh, I would love to have a Bramley or a Cox's Orange Pippin. *sigh* Maybe next visit.
by Rice
Any apple that I see picked. So often get disappointed when buying apples. I think they are kept for too long in cold store. But I love all apples and especially apples in cooking, as long as the cook doesn't get too economical with the apple content.
Honey Crisp
Another vote for Pink Lady apples. We have an orchard nearby and love going to pick them. They taste simply amazing.
Royal Gala first, golden delicious next, Grannies for cooking. The sweeter apples are my favourite to munch on. I have been buying bags of "the odd bunch" apples - don't know the variety - and they have been great to eat too, yum.
Granny Smith apples were my favourite growing up, but I haven't had one of those in a couple of years now. I think I now prefer Pink Lady apples.
by Vee
My favourite apple would be fuji, I find them nice and crisp and juicy at the right time of the year.
Granny smith is my favorite.
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