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What is your favourite sweet treat?

by grann (follow)
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Array of sweet treats

OK, so sugar is bad for us, and obesity will be responsible for clogging up the hospital systems all too soon. Does this mean we are to cut out the occasional sweet treat? I can't get by without the taste of chocolate at least once a week otherwise I would be exhibiting withdrawal symptoms. I accept the fact that sugar is a drug, but many of us are addicted. What is your fix?

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Cheesecake. Especially mango, passionfruit or lemon cheesecake. Chocolate is also essential.
Anything chocolate.
by Vee
I like most sweet things however not shop bought ones -I cook a lot myself and always have biscuits or a cake in the house as I eat some every day.

So I do not really have a favourite as am addicted to sugar probably.
by Finy
I think everything in moderation is fine really. I like to eat, and sweet treats are no exception! Chocolate, definitely, but I also enjoy a slice of cake or a few biscuits now and then.
You won't believe this.
My son has put us both on a 40 day NO Treats, as of yesterday!!!
I'm doing o.k.
But my treat I LOVE, is Lindt chocolate....Like it is A DRUG.

We are all over worked-stressed-we get a quick fix, from
the stuff. Australians consume vast amounts of chocolate.
We are lucky, that our chocolate is not over sweet, like it is in America.

I don't know if I will be able to stick to this 40 days 'without', but I will
give it a try.Who know's may loose a kilo or two.
Good luck, jonaj. I'm off to have a Hob Nob.
by grann
Oh! jonaj, it'll be interesting if you get 'withdrawal' symptoms!
Do tell, please, of your success, or not, as the case maybe! Lol!
by donjo
Did not Last!

I have a addiction to sugar....so back to trying as of yesterday.
by jonaja
ROFL! That' so funny!
by donjo
Hi grann.......what's a 'hob nob'?
by donjo
Chocolate is my nemesis! You can pass me anything chocolate and chances are I'm going to love it.
Me too!
by Vee
dark chocolate with roasted nuts (any type). also love frozen yogurt, ice cream and gelato.
Ice-cream... oh and chocolate. And cheesecake. And pretty much anything sweet really.
I LOVE lemon meringue pie. And cheesecake. Carrot cake is also quite good. And banana cake.
and....and....You ARE a lost cause.
by grann
Dark chocolate. With Sea Salt.
mmm depends on the day, the mood and my motivation. Not sure I can just pick one.
Oh! That photo's got Patty Cakes, Meringues', Lamington's & Neenish Tart's! Just SOME of my faves!

I ALWAYS have Dark Chocolate of some description in the 'fridge! At the moment, it's D/C on Licorice! Or Dark Ginger, from Darrell Lea!

Love various biscuits', usually Arnotts', & as Winter is here now, Choc Monte's or Mint Slice, hit the scene! (& my waistline!)

Out, I love cinnamon Donut's, & a proper Vanilla Slice from a Patisserie!

Happy Sugar Hit!
Tried to purchase some of that Vegemite chocolate yesterday, but Local Woolies was out of stock. Coles has it in their catalogue this week, so I will report back. I'm hoping to take a couple of blocks with me as interesting souvenirs when I head OS.
by grann
Hi grann, have you enquired of the SA Consulate, IF you can 'import' that?
Also be mindful if bringing 'food' back into here, it MUST be declared for Customs', & be aware it COULD be confiscated!
by donjo
grann - you will probably find you will be ok with bringing choc and sweets into the country as long as they are unopened. I have travelled to the States many times and always bring back some food goodies - never had them confiscated yet even though I declared them!
by norma
My husband brought in one of those massive Toblerones from Switzerland when he toured Europe as a young 20 something. He declared it and no problems bringing it in. It was much bigger than any Toblerone you can buy in Australia. He did buy another one but he and his cousin polished it off very quickly.
by Lluxi
Have to say I just can't go past baked cheescake. Not a chocolate lover so no problem there.
Lindt chocolate. Aldi recently had Reisen chocolate bars which were heaven. Then they stopped stocking them . That's just mean.
I'm not really fussed about chocolate as I usually end up throwing it out after 12 months. Don't know why I buy it as it stays in the pantry unless the grand kids spot it. I do love apple pie or apple turnover with fresh cream.
Oh! helga, when pregnant with my first child, a boy, could NOT get enough of freshly baked Apple Pies, from local Bakery.....large ones!
Next preg., a girl, it wasn't apple pies, but Custard Apples! Such is life! Cheers!
by donjo
I just love caramel slice. I am trying to cut back on choclate, but when I go out socially, which is quite often, and every one else has a cake with their coffee, I fall on my sword and have a slice too. My dietitian is pretty good about it though. If I can't resist she says that sharing a slice keeps the portion size down whilst still not being deprived.
I'm just a softie for all things Sweet. The more Cream the merrier.
Custard tarts - real ones (not the ones with that yellow stuff poured into the flan).
lemon meringue pie
lemon tart (or lime)
chocolate eclairs with genuine fresh cream and dark, lustrous, stretchy chocolate ganache on top
apple turnovers with fresh cream with plenty of apple inside and
passionfruit sponge
Oh! Fran, a cafe in my local Westfield S/C, has the most beautiful Small Lemon Meringue's I've ever had! The Meringue is perfect, & about 3" high! The lemon filling is just so! They also serve superb soups', so I don't feel guilty about having the L.M. after the soup! Cheers!
by donjo
Red velvet cake or Black Forest cake
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