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What is your favourite summer fruit?

by Finy (follow)
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what is your favourite summer fruit
Photo: Pixabay.com

What is your favourite summer fruit?

#Summer fruit
#Favourite summer fruit
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That is a real difficult question as I love most summer and stone fruits.
Once upon a time I would have said strawberries however the last few years the strawberries taste of little, and I have virtually stopped buying them, as they mostly do not last long either.
Perhaps I would say water melon - it is crispy, sweet and doubles for me instead of a salad with some meals. It is low calorie and refreshing and is therefore one of the more versatile fruits.
by Finy
Watermelon and mangoes . With the heat of summer a watermelon is the best. Mangoes are a nice sweet treat to have .
Gee. That is a hard one. I am loving plums at the moment, but all the summer berries are the ones I would be eating the most and using in my desserts.
With the emphasis on summer . . . hot, thirsty times . . . I am going to say watermelon as it is such a great all rounder. Like Finy, I love most of the summer fruits *YUM*
by Rice
we are going to have a ball eating out here !
by Finy
I'd better bring my fat pants! Hahahahahahahahahaha.
by Rice
good idea-was trying out beds yesterday with a friend and had a skirt on.....can you imagine the rest???
by Finy
Ohhhhhhh dearrrrrrrr.
by Rice
That's a really difficult question. I like lots of fruits. I have been buying lots of mangos, peaches and cherries recently. Maybe cherries would be my favorite
by AJ
MANGO'S Full stop , just love them to bits : )
MANGO & CHERRIES are my favourite summer fruit!!
by Miro
Lychees!!!! Definitely lychees!!!! I also love cherries. Both of these have very short seasons, so I would have to say the I really love white nectarines as well!!! I eat such a lot of fruit al year through, but the sumer fruits are my favourites I think due to the varuety! In winter here in Nth Qld, I adore the really fabulously sweet strawberries which whe can always find so plentiful and cheap!! I grow huge passionfruit all year round, so I cannot really call these a Summer Fruit though they definitely are a FAVOURITE!!
Nice juicy peaches which I may add are increasingly difficult to find with flavour.
totally agree Helga! dont know what has happened to fruit -it just does not have the same flavour - I go to a very expensive fruit shop and that is far better than any of the others.
by Finy
A tasty ripe but not over ripe apricot just plucked from the tree in someone's backyard. However, I rarely get one of these so I am going to plant a dwarf apricot tree in my backyard and wait patiently. The fruit from the shops isn't tasty so I rarely buy 'fresh' apricots and have to make do with tinned or dried fruit.
I love fruit and with global cultivation a reality, it means I can experience my favourite fruits at any time of the year (albeit more expensively). However, I can't go past watermelon, pineapple, peaches, plums, apricots, blueberries, cherries. These fruits are always in our fridge during summer.
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