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What is your favourite social media site?

by chipp (follow)
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social media

When we think of social media, Facebook is often the first site that comes to mind--but Facebook is not the only social media site. What is your favourite social media site, and why?

#Social Media
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While it falls under Social Media - it is more of a blogging tool. I love Wordpress - you can do so much with it and interact with other people. Outside of that - LinkedIn has to be my Social Networking site of choose, which is followed by Facebook (where all my high school and varsity friends are)
As of a month ago.....I go on none.
This is all I do now (AA) as far as people seeing my ideas or content.
Facebook, drove me crazy.
I feel better for not using it, and more time on my hands. Yaaaaaaaa!!!
I've recently become partial to Instagram. Because it's picture-based you don't come across as much of the negativity that you can sometimes find on other social networking sites. I also find browsing through the images very inspiring, and it's helped me look at my own surrounds with a new eye.
LinkedIn and then twitter. The contacts and networking opportunities on LinkedIn are valuable :)
I like Twitter and Skype, although Skype is not a site but an app. It keeps me in touch with my friends and family wherever I am. Twitter is useful for seeing what PR companies are promoting and I find this fascinating.
While Facebook is showing signs of moving out of trend, I still like to use it as a connection tool.
I like pinterest...although it is not much of a networking tool...it is fun to use. Google Plus is also a very good networking tool...sort of all built into one with that one!
I like Facebook and LinkedIn. I have a lot of friends on Facebook so for me it is the easiest way to catch up when I don't have the time to catch up in person.
Facebook and Instagram. I gave Twitter a go, but just can't seem to get the hand of it.
Yes. A site where I can make a difference in the world from A to Zealand. It's great fun and have personally met members and made great friends with ppl overseas yoo
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