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What is your favourite seafood?

by grann (follow)
Seafood (14)      Taste (10)      Oysters (5)      Wedding receptions (1)     

Seafood platter

//At wedding receptions when there used to be alternate drops of oysters and seafood cocktails for an entree (now, that's dating me), my Dad used to win big time, because very few folk in those days liked oysters. Are they still an acquired taste? If you had the choice of various seafoods, what would it be?//

#Wedding receptions
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I love prawns and calamari
I love all seafood. My oysters need to be Sydney rock oysters or Crystal Bay and eaten natural with a squeeze of lemon. I don't like the taste of Pacific oysters but the restaurants use these in mornay or kilpatrick choices. I make my own lobster dishes using green lobster tails when possible. One of my favourite dushes I invented using celery, mushrooms, galiano and fresh cream. Oh so filling served with rice on the side. Scallops are cooked in orange liqueur. King Alaskan crab claws we eat as is with my homemade seafood dressing. Prawns are natural with lemon and homemade sauce and green prawns are coated with panko crumbs and deep fried, and more green prawns are marinated in satay sauce and grilled on the bbq. Fresh salmon is also grilled and served with homemade dill, lemon and yoghurt sauce
Prawns. I had them for lunch today. I have garlic prawns and rice for lunch at least twice a week. I love seafood.
Prawns, hands down!
Like everyone else, prawns are my favourite.
I love most seafood, though perhaps my favourite would have to be crayfish done in a cheese sauce -and now I am hungry just thinking about it.

It is hard to find this in Perth apart from a really expensive restaurant.
by Finy
Calamari and prawns.
by Vee
Fish, nice fleshy ones.
by Gia
Sushi, I love sushi, particularly California rolls. Simple but awesome.
Really, really fresh fish. love a whole grilled flounder with simple butter sauce.
Also love the ever cheap leather jacket just steamed (and the butter sauce).
Oysters, natural only, have been known to get 40 down on Christmas day. No sauce, no salad, occasionally a squeeze of lemon. No touchy my oysters.
Lobster/Cray - when I can afford it (which is rarely), Prawns and smoked oysters (you know like the ones that come in tins !!!!!
Seafood is just the best! Love it all, but.........
My faves are Oysters, in order, Natural, Kilpatrick, Mornay, Rockefeller.

Also love Sand Crab Meat. That on freshly buttered bread, with a little P&S, & hot 'cuppa' hits the spot!
I like all types of seafood but I haven't tasted abalone or morton bay bugs. My favorite would have to be king prawns and cray fish which ive only tasted once. I love baked snapper. I tried baked snapper cooked in milk and it was out of this world yummy
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